3. CEO

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Warning : Mentioning of a past rape.

A shark in business world.

A man with excellent vision.

A well known entrepreneur.

That's him in the future. Right now this guy is only a sore loser.

Jeff reads about his history in an interview before.

This time should be his lowest moment.

As an agent, he found and raised a teen girl into a superstar. She repaid him by making fake news. She said he molested her.

The Entertainment company fired him. He got sued by fans. He also failed to pay his rent.

Those men who punched him were her die hard fans.

Jeff sneers.

In his last life, this guy owned the biggest entertainment company in their country.

He always mocked him for failing to raise stars.

His business rival is in his hands. It's a rejoicing moment.

Jeff rubs his chin.

If only I got a permanent marker here with me... I will draw him ugly...

He smiles when he takes a pic of the sleeping man. He edits the photo and draws an ugly looking goatee beard.

Not enough.

Jeff uses special effects to make him looks bald. He adds devil horns as finishing touch.

He laughs heartily while wiping his tears away. His rival looks pathetic in the pic.

The man stirs before his eyes flutter open.

His voice is a bit hoarse when he asks, "Who are you?"

"Jeff Lin. Are you Jerome Wang?"

"I have no money."

Jeff chuckles. To think future billionaire confesses he got no money.

He asks, "Do you need money?"

Jerome stares him from head to toes.

He mocks, "Sorry, you aren't my type. Won't bed you even you paid me."

Jeff swallows his anger away.

This man is still arrogant despite he's at the bottom of a deep well called bankruptcy. Some men are born with swollen pride.

He explains, "I heard you are free. Had been hoping to let you be my agent. Well, if you aren't interested..."

Finally Jerome looks interested. He glances the teen boy in front of him. Nice bone structures. His body is a bit too tall and slender. His face isn't suitable for a prince charming.

More like a bad boy type. With a bit polishing, girls would be hooked.

Jerome coughs and asks, "Have you heard the scandal revolved around me?"

"Relax. I'm not a woman. I have zero interest on you."

The system speaks in his mind, "Host, aren't you a gay? You used to have nosebleed after peeking the Prince in bathing time."

"Hell shall be frozen before I have interest on you," remarks Jeff.

Jerome has been convinced.

He says, "Let's sign a contract. I'll help you raise to the top."

"I have two positions for you. We shall arrange it tomorrow morning."

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