30. In Love

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Victor yawns and rubs his eyes. He looks adorable in his sleepy mode. He lacks of sleep thanks to his boyfriend last night.

Jeff smiles when he notices Victor isn't out of sleepy zone yet.

A kiss to his cheek startled him.

Victor smiles to him. His face looks a bit rigid as if he hardly ever smile before.

"Morning, kitten. You look beautiful today. Did you sleep well?" asks Victor.

Jeff presses a hand to his chest.

OOC! Is this really Victor? Maybe an alien kidnapped him last night. Replaced him with a doppelganger.

Jeff hardly reacts before Victor snuggles his face to his neck.

Victor mumbles,"You smells good. Like first rate aphrodisiac. Can't wait to gobble you up. Eat you bits by bits."

Jeff rises from the bed like being chased by a Hellhound. He rushes to bathroom to escape his fate. The door is closed with a loud bang.

Victor scratches his head. That doesn't go well. Jeff is supposed to blush. The script isn't right.

He grabs his phone and checks the downloaded content.

Kissed her when she wakes up. Done.

Praise her for being beautiful. Done.

Say you want her. Done.

Victor is puzzled.

Well, the next step is to feed him. He better calls for take out.

An online article said it will be better if he could cook breakfast. Victor tried and nearly burned the kitchen. Better be safe than to loose his home.

Jeff is screaming in his heart in the bathroom.

Who is that playboy? Where is my iceberg? That isn't Victor. He can't say sweet talk like that.

Jeff pokes the system.

He asks, "What happened to him? Did he get brainwashed? Is he really Victor?"

"It's him."

"Why he acted weird?"

No response from the system. Maybe it got no definite answer.

A knock on the door.

Victor calls, "Jeff, breakfast is ready."


Jeff takes a quick shower.

Today's breakfast are congee, meat buns and soyamilk. Simple breakfast.

Victor asks, "Do you like oriental breakfast or western ones?"

"Anything is fine for me."

Victor nods his head.

Ask her opinion. That's what listed in his downloaded content.

He rummaged his mind for decent conversation.

He asks, "Do you want to go shopping? You could choose any dress you like."

Jeff stops eating. His eyes bulged.

I'm a shou. I'm still a guy. It doesn't mean I wanna wear a dress.

He shakes his head. Maybe taking Victor to a psychiatrist can't be delayed anymore.

Victor waits but Jeff says nothing. He got downhearted. The red flower looks wilted on his head.

Why is dating so hard? It's even harder than Tsinghua University exam.

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