2. A Trainee

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When Jeff opens his eyes again, he is sitting in a busy canteen. University students are eating happily around him.

Information swarms into his mind.

His name is still Jeff Lin. He is a freshman in this University. His major is different this time. He studies liberal arts. Not business like in his old world.

He rubs his face. He is a bit chubby when he's in University.

He lost his weight several months later.

Something is wrong. My face isn't that fleshy.

The system comments in his mind, "Your appearances have been upgrade. Your sex appeal has been maxed."

Jeff looks around him. No one seems to hear the system. He lowers down his head to table.

He asks, "Why?"

"To earn more money. You are already an idol trainee."


"100 yuans for one day. You still remember?"

"Yes, of course!"

Jeff accidentally shouts it out. People are looking at him. Caught talking alone in public space.

He coughs and leaves the canteen. He walks until he finds a secluded place.

He asks, "What should I do?"

The system comments, "First, speak in your mind. People are staring at you."

Jeff looks around. He strides away from there.

His phone rings.

Jeff smiles when he picks it up.

"Hello, uncle!"

"You sounded weird

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"You sounded weird. Do you catch a cold?"


Uncle, you're alive! I'm so happy...

Jeff wipes his tears away. His nasal voice crosses over through the phone. He is having a hard time to stop weeping.

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Everyone hates me (end) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora