4. Chinese Mozart

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They used to call him Chinese mozart few years back. A young genius.

His name is Yu Xiang (26 years old). He could play many musical instruments. He is a great composer. He has composed and sung many popular songs for five years.

Until a huge scandal tainted his good name. They said he plagiarized other's songs. He is nothing but a loser.

His biggest mistake is to love a scoundrel.

A young man stares down to a deep dark river beneath the bridge. One jump and it's over.

Suddenly he hears, "Are you a loser? If you died now, people will believe you could only plagiarized songs."

He looks to a sly looking young man next to him.

Jeff says, "A paper can't cover fire. Sooner or later, the truth shall be revealed. You just have to live until that day."

"It's impossible..."

"Only a living man could change his fate. Come with me. I shall return you back to the top again."

Jeff exhales when the man finally grabs his hand. He manages to persuade him not to commit a suicide.

He leads him to his Nanny car. His agent glares at his star. Mixing with this fellow will give him big scandal.
Fortunately there is no paparazzi here.

Jeff gives a call to his old friend from high school.

In the future, that guy met Yu Xiang through a blind date. They finally got married and live happily.

Jeff calls, "Ethan, it's me, Jeff. I need a favor to ask. Read my message, okay?"

He tells him briefly about the suicide attempt in the message.

"Yu Xiang got fragile mind right now. Need someone to watch over him. You need a job, right? All you have to do is to guard him. Salary 5,000 yuans."

"Okay. Count on me."

Ethan is a big fan of Yu Xiang. Of course he is willing to help him. He is still rooting for his comeback until now.

Jeff lets Ethan brings Yu Xiang back. He texts him and warns not to let him out of sight.

He still has works to do. They are already late when they got to shooting sight.

The director is yelling at him, "First day and already late!"

"I'm sorry, Sir. It won't happen again."

Jeff keeps bowing his head and apologizing again and again. It's his first work. And he already left a bad impression for being late.

Their car accidentally passed a bridge. And he saw the composer tried to commit a suicide attempt.

He knew it will failed because he came from the future.

The suicidal attempt only broke his leg. The poor composer had to live as a handicapped man.

Saving a human life is more important. It's better than building a huge pagoda.

The shooting finally starts. It's a TV costume drama. His role is just a small supporting actor.

The real actor quits and Jeff has to fill this role. It's a better solution than paying the huge fine. Their company is too poor right now. No spare fund left.

Jeff is acting as an eunuch. He had read his lines in the Nanny car. Not many dialogues. More actions like running and serving his Master, a pampered prince.

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