36. Official Date

611 54 2

Warning :
Prepare your heart

The village Chief has helped Victor to win the wasteland. He got it dirt cheap because no one else wanted it.

Of course he will need to make many roads to his future wonderland.

The government will save money from road building. It's a happy end for everyone.

A lot of VR machines are stored inside the warehouse.

Victor has taken Jeff here as a test subject.

"Ice cream. You can't have a good wonderland without an ice cream truck," complaints Jeff.

He forgot to mention a great wonderland has many tasty snacks. Ice cream, cotton candies and sausages are the most common ones.

Victor chuckles. It's exactly like what Ray has said to him. He points to a monster truck almost hidden behind the warehouse.

The truck has been decorated to look like a sleeping dragon.

Jeff admires the work of art.

Victor grabs a Strawberry Vanilla flavored ice cream for Jeff. His boyfriend smiles until his eyes become two bent lines.

He remembered my favorite ice cream flavors. I love him!

Jeff licks the ice cream greedily. As a celebrity, he isn't allowed to eat too much junk foods. Fattening stuff like ice cream almost off limit for him.

Today is a special day. So he made an exception.

It's ice cream day!

Victor is enjoying green matcha flavored ice cream.

Jeff has eaten the second serving. His stingy boyfriend stops him from eating the third one.

Victor warns, "Don't eat too much cold. Your stomach will get hurt."


Jeff sighs while licking his lips. He follows Victor into the warehouse. The location isn't too far from the capital. Only one hour drive.

The machines shall be tested and upgraded until the construction at the wasteland is finished.

They walk into a large machine. Victor offers a VR helmet to Jeff. He helps him to put it on. Then he wears one himself.

The anti gravity machine starts five minutes later. They are both floating in air.

Jeff shrieks. His surroundings have changed into the moon. He could see few large holes on it's rough surface.

"I'm walking on the Moon!"

He swims across while floating in air. Jumping around.

It felt real.

Unfortunately it becomes boring in just ten minutes.

The VR stops and they begin to descend again.

Victor helps him to remove the helmet.

He asks, "How is it?"

"It's fun at first. Unfortunately it got a bit boring after few minutes."

"That's right. My team suggests seven minutes duration for this machine."

Jeff asks, "Why not add something else in the VR? Like watching a meteor shower. That's a beautiful sight. Or add relaxing music tunes."

"Hmm... Maybe I'll do it."

"Great! What's next?"

They head to another VR machine next.

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