'Look at you princesa, suckling on mami.' Mami kisses my forehead and smiles like that again, so wide, so beautiful. 'It makes mami so happy, you have no idea.' Mami coos which makes me realize I love that sweet cooing, it makes me feel so small. Suddenly a babble comes out of my mouth, muffled by her breast. Wait, why did I just do that? 'You're my tiny baby, aren't ya? Yes you are, my tiny princesa, so tiny for mami.'

I wiggle happily. Yes I am mami! I tiny, I tiny for you. So tiny mami.. why can't I speak?

I've never felt like this before, mami...

'Shh shhh' Mami softly shushes me when I squirm on her arms, feeling a little frustrated. 'What's wrong, little one?' Mami wonders, tears wallow on my eyes. 'Oh baby, it's okay, it's okay, mami's here to take care of you.' Mami softly explains

Why am I finding it a bit hard to understand her words?

'Ma.. ma' Was all I could say, tightly closing my eyes

'Yes honey, mama.' Mama softly says, pulling me closer and her nipple touches my lips. 'You're so tiny hm? It's alright baby love, mama's got you. I know it all seems so new and a little scary but I'm right here to look after my tiny baby.'

Mama smiles oh so big, it seems like she's happy with it. Said smile also eases and comforts me enough to be able to latch onto her again, sucking softly while snuggling mama close. Her warmth and scent envelope me once again and there's absolutely nothing better.

'There we go, such a cute little love.' Mama lowly says, her face still a little sleepy but indeed happy. 'I love you mi cielo.'

I smile around mama's nipple. I love her too! So much!

'I wuv yous too mama.' I answer round her nipple

Mama kisses my forehead, smiling bigger than her face could fit. Then she tenderly rubs my back and I close my eyes in delight, feeling her eyes on me.. her eyes full of love...

'Lets have some breakfast bunny boo, you must be hungry.' Mama softly explains when she unlatches me after a while and I whine because I want suckies and cuddles! 'I know you just want suckies and snuggles with mama but we also need some food on that tummy don't ya think?' Mama pats my tummy that grumbles on a cue. Stupid tummy! 'Oh yeah, that's a hungry monster there!' Mama says, I giggle at her silly antics

Mama picks me up, I wrap my legs round her hips. Paci is popped in my mouth before the motion of mama moving around starts happening. I simply hide my face on her neck until she lays me on my tummy at the open sofa-bed. She kisses my head before turning the TV on to some toons that I can't seem to recognize but I can't care less.

'Alright princesa mama's gonna make us some breakfast, if you need anything just call me.' She says, I simply look up at her and she smiles before leaving the room

Wait.. mama? I miss her, where's my mama? I roll down the sofa-bed and sit on the floor unsure of where to go. I hear some music, looking up to the TV where it's coming from. Just then I realize that an episode of Bluey is starting. I really like this one!

'How did you got on the floor, cupcake?' Mama asks while walking towards me, I simply look up at her unable to form any words. 'Let see, lets see...' She places her hands under my armpits and gently lifts me onto my feet. 'You didn't roll down, did ya?' Mama asks

'I.. did.' I answer, now feeling slightly bigger than before and mama raises a brow. Am I in trouble? 'I.. missed you and.. I was gonna look out for you but for a minute I wasn't sure where to go to so I just sat there...'

'Alright baby, I will of course let it slide since you were clueless but next time you stay where mama puts you at and if you need out or to see me you just holler for me, okay?'

Mama, huh? I smile.

'Got it mama, thankies.' I hug her, feeling her arms wrap around me immediately

'You're welcome.' Mama kisses the side of my head. 'Now' The TV gets shut off by her. 'Who's hungry for some yummy nutella crepes with strawberries?'

'Me mama!' I jump excitedly, mama chuckles happily

After that mama guides me into the dining room, leading me onto the chair that had a pretty superhero girls plate with the yummy crepes that had whipped cream over them cut up. I start digging in immediately and mama giggles at my antics. When I'm all done eating like a good girl, I drink my sippy of tropical juice. Then I take it all to the sink where mama picks it up from to load it on the dishwasher.

'What a messy little one.' Mama chuckles while cleaning up my face. 'Mama's messy baby.' She smiles wide and kisses my cheek. 'I love you, princesa.'

'I lovey mama more.' I grin proudly

'Nope, mama loves you way more sweetheart.' Mama pokes my sides playfully, I giggle

'No way mama!' I giggle

'Yes way and mama wins.' She pulls me close, I look up at her pretty eyes

I let her win..

But I love my mama twice as much!

An Unexpected Chance // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now