Chapter 14: New sights (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

So when Kyle finally managed to reach his lodging, sleep was the only thing on his mind. Even the thought that Lillia was in the room next door escaped him as he slumped onto the bed. Within seconds his eyes were closed and with it the world began to disappear. The world however didn't fade away completely and instead was replaced. For a small moment Kyle could feel his surroundings and sensations as he stood among the table of twelve. Each with a unique head of hair and one with none. The Mercenaries of the Ever-Garden. Standing beside Estile he reached his hand out feeling as if he could really touch her but no sooner than he did, the sensation fell away and the dream truly took over.

"Is something wrong Estile?" Kyle asked from beside her as she shivered

"No it's nothing," the white haired girl replied. "I just felt something odd."

"Odd how?" Mori asked from the other side of the table bopping up her yellow hair. "Odd like my dreams odd or odd as in eating something that went off odd."

"Umm neither," Estile replied wryly. "Don't mind me. We need to focus."

"Indeed we do," Karen who stood at the tables head sighed. "It's been a month and we still have nothing. The demons are attacking almost every third day. We're all tired." The eyes around the table showed their wear. Even as powerful as they were, being active for so long was taking its toll. "With each attack we lose more and more lives. We've become good at closing the incursions but we can't be everywhere. The military strength of our allies have more than halved. At this rate we won't be able to defend ourselves let alone fight back."

Orpheus nodded grimly, his bold head shining beneath the light, "We need to take more drastic measures. Riften and I have been heading the investigation but we've unfortunately come up short. To be honest we thought this would be over by now."

Riften continued, "Our informants have either nothing or misinformation, but we can all agree that the only beings strong enough to keep up an invasion on this scale for this long are the Archdevils or those supposed gods."

Lav swept back her purple hair, "Hang on. The Archdevils I can understand but are you implying the churches as well? Most of them have been helping us."

"Not all of them," Trent replied stiffly. "We've always suspected that the pro-human nations were behind this and since their declaration of war they've been more of a pain than the demons."

"Exactly," Riften nodded. "While there's been no real evidence of any of their gods existing, it might just be they found them. It's time we take the fight to the offensive. Playing defence is only wearing us out."

"I agree with Riften," Ellen pushed her fists together causing her green hair to bounce. "If those idiots want to declare war, we'll personally show them what that means. We've tolerated their existence long enough."

"Hold it both of you!" Sephie pushed her hands against the table. Her orange hair seemed to flare outwards as she stared at them both. "Isn't that going a bit far? We've always been protectors and I think that's what we need to keep focusing on. If we head out, who's going to close the incursions? There's barely anyone who could replace us."

"Sephie is right," Estile said solemnly. "As much as I want to end this, without our assistance our allies will take far too many casualties." She looked at the map and frowned, "If only we weren't spread so thin."

"About that," Karen folded her arms. "Arvel, Edgar and I came up with a plan. The demons only attack places with large amounts of non-humans. They seem drawn to them. Why not put them all together or at least reduce where they are. In other words," she pointed to the map and the three largest cities of the alliance blinked, "we'll focus the enemy's attack to these locations. Not only can they hold the increase in population but they're also the most defensible."

Kyle frowned, "While that sounds great how are we going to move that amount people? The demons aren't going to stop attacking and if we're caught on the road we'll have nowhere to hide."

Karen smiled with pride as she uttered, "Large scale teleportation arrays."

"You figured it out?" Kyle widened his eyes.

"It'll be expensive and we'll need a few of us to stabilise the array on both sides but within a week we could have everyone in place. I've already sent a call for help."

Lav nodded, "Then we're settled. I can head out immediately and-."

"Hold on," Orpheus interrupted. "This plan, while I agree with it, the demons are one thing but humans are something else. The pro-human nations that have declared war on us won't just sit and wait for us to move. They'll take the opportunity to take the lands we've left and the people left behind will suffer."

"So what are you suggesting?" Lav asked frowning.

"We split into two teams. One offence to distract our enemies and find the cause of all this and the other on defence to carry out the plan." He looked at Karen, "Is that okay?"

She bit her lip, "We'll need to rely on our allies more but we'll get it done one way or another. The question is who will go where? I'll lead the defence team, who's with me?" Five hands raised belonging to Trent, Edgar, Arvel, Lav and Mori. "And the offensive team?" Five more hands raised, Orpheus, Kyle, Riften, Ellen and Sephie's.

Kyle looked to the white haired girl beside him who hadn't raised her hand, "Estile where are you going or do you have another plan?"

For a moment she said nothing and then staring at the others she firmed her gaze, "I'm going after Kalvara."

"What?" Kyle was the first to react. "Estile you can't, not alone!"

"Kyle is right," Lav said concerned. "It's too dangerous. He's already killed you once."

Estile remained unfazed, "That was a long time ago. Besides out of all the Archdevil's we know still exist, Kalvara is the only one who could possibly be strong enough to do this. You need to take care of the pro-human nations and protect our people. I'll go alone." She smiled trying to relieve their anxious expressions, "Don't worry I'm not going to charge in and try to kill him. As much as I'd want to, even if he's not the one behind this he might have the information we need."

Karen placed her hand on her shoulder, "Fine but if it were any other situation I'd never let you. How will you even find him?"

"I have a way, though it'll depend if he wants to be found."

Kyle sighed and shook his head chuckling, "You're still as reckless as ever. Orpheus who's our first target?"

Riften was the one to answer, "We have two goals. One is to slow down the pro-human nations advance and the other is to find any trace of gods behind this. Of the major religions the most likely is the Human God, the God of Rebirth or the Earthen God. We'll strike their churches first."

"And if we actually do find a god?" Ellen asked smirking.

"Pray that they'll die easy," Orpheus replied grimly. "We've fought many things but never a god."

"That's because we never thought they actually existed," Karen laughed. "The fact that we're even considering it goes to show how desperate we are." She shook herself. "We know what we have to do. Split up and carry out your duties. Remember no one dies, we can't risk it this time."

"For the world and our children," Estile said solemnly.

"For our children and the world," with that reply the dream went dark.

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