chapter 8

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The Surf Shack has been very busy with lots of people and tourists renting boards and buying things. I am currently in the back workshop trying to get a good chunk of the girls birthday board. Of course with my luck, I have to scrap off the wax that was left on it. 

As I scrap it off I can't help but sigh in satisfaction from how nicely the wax is removed from it. When I'm finished, I begin to clean off the board so that I have a clean new surface to work on. 

now for the painting. The lady sent a design for me to use as a reference to what she wants on the board. Before I begin, I grab my earbuds and turn on one of my playlist. Hitting shuffle play, "As it was" by Harry Styles begins to play. I lightly hum along as I begin to paint. 

I'm halfway done the big main design when Jett walks in. 

I pull my earbuds out of my ears and look up expectantly. 

"Yes?" I ask. 

"Uh granny brought lunch down to us. So she asked me to come and get you so we could eat." He stated as he came closer to the board to look at my work. 

"This is looking good so far, I like it."

"Thank ya. Now lets go eat I'm getting hungry at the mere thought of my food from granny waiting for me" I stuck my tongue out at him a little while rubbing my hands together I excitement.

"Calm down and lets go" he said though light laughing. 

I turned around to face him and say "no you" and turn back to walk to where the rest of my family was seated. 

"Hello CC, Come sit down." 

CC was the nickname that only my grandma called me, which she's been calling me longer than I can even remember. I don't allow anyone but m granny to call me CC except her. It's what my mom used to call her when she was a little girl and she passed the nickname onto me. 

"I'm coming don't you worry." 

"Oh honey I know. You practically never miss a meal." She laughed. 

"Ha the only time she does is when she's very sick." Jett says and everyone laughs. 

"Ok guys enough about me. Can we eat now?" I ask shyly. Knowing they would all laugh a bit before agreeing. To no ones surprise, they did exactly that. 

As we ate we talked about our days, joked around and me and my brothers talked. Wanting to make plans soon to do something fun. 

We eventually agreed on going to the blue lagoon as we call it. It's located where no one who doesn't live on the island knows where it is or that it exists. Not even most of the island knows about it. My dad and mom found it when they were young and showed us. And we showed a few of our friends but swore them to secrecy unless we say its ok to tell someone else. 

We planned on going out Saturday, all day and probably end up there for most of the afternoon and evening. Bringing snacks and drinks and lounging around having sibling time which he haven't had for a long time since we've all been busy with work, school that just ended and sports. Making it hard for us to all hang out again by ourselves. 

Since today was only Thursday, I tried to get as much as I could get done on the surf boards, especially the girls birthday board. 


Around 11 on Saturday morning I was finishing up a bit more on a customers board before I headed back home to pack snacks and stuff for this afternoon. 

I cleaned up my workshop and ended up doing a bit of cleaning in the front too since I was in a cleaning mood. Ryder was working the front until 1 and then dad agreed to work for the rest of the evening so that we could go to the lagoon. 

When I was done It was 12:30. I said a quick see you later to Ryder and headed back up to the house to pack and change. 

I walked into the kitchen to see granny sitting at the table sewing something. When she saw me, a bright warm smile lit her face. 

"Hello dear. Did you get some boards finished?" 

"Yea I finished the one I was doing that I did a colorful peace sign on and got a bit further with another one." I said while standing it the hall waiting for granny to go back to sewing so I could go change and pack. 

"That's good to hear CC." She looked back down at what she was working on and I took that as my cue to leave. 

I walked down the hall to my bedroom and went straight to my dresser to pick out something to wear today. 

I rummaged through my bikini's until I found my simple black one. I pulled off my painting clothes and put on the bikini. I then went to my pants drawer and rummaged around until I came across a pair of lose green cargo shorts. Next I found a white slightly cropped T-Shirt and slide on ankle sucks and my old white Nike shoes. I took my hair out of it's messy bun on top of my head and began to do Dutch braids on my head. Now that I was done getting ready, I grabbed one of my black hiking backpack and put a hoodie in it just in case it got cold. Along with sunscreen, bug spray and a few other supplies. 

I went to the kitchen to start packing snacks and water bottles. 

"Hey Chacha, whatcha packing," Jett said behind me, making me jump a bit. 

"Oh you know, the usual. Vegies, chips, cheese and crackers, a few candies." I shrugged. 

I had it all lay out on the table and Jett being Jett had to inspect everything to make sure it was "worthy" of coming on the adventure. 

"Hmmm, good job this time, I actually don't object to anything your packing this time." He smiled to himself as he patted me on the head like a dog. 

I instantly ducked away from him, but coming back up and punching his arm hard enough for him to feel it but not enough to actually hurt. 

"Heyy! Chill out I was giving you a compliment. Sort of," he said while he rubbed his arm where I had punched him before putting it back down when he saw me smirking. Knowing I had actually made a slight impact with my lame punch. 

"Whatever, you know how I feel about people touching my hair." I relied with sass and an eyeroll of course. 

Jett only laughed. 

"C'mon, dad let Ry off early so he got back a few minutes ago and should be ready to go now."

"You get Ry I'll go get Seth," said already walking to Seth's room. 

His door was slightly agar so I walked in. He was sitting at his desk on his phone, probably texting someone. 

As I walked in he turned off his phone and stood up. 

"Everyone ready to go?" Seth asked before walking out not even waiting for an answer. I rolled my eyes before turning around and walking out after him where Jett and Ryder stood in the living room in a relaxed conversation about soccer. 

They turn to us and nod. 

"If ya'll have anything you want to bring along you can put it in the backpack I'm bringing."

" Ok I'm gonna put my sweater and towel in their then" Jett said.

Right after Ryder and Seth said "same" at the exact same time. 

"Ok lets go guys," I said as I picked up my backpack and the cooler that had food and would soon also store alcohol that Jett was gonna get on our way there. 


Very Very excited for the next chapter ya'll!!!

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