chapter 13

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We've been walking for a good 10 minutes and he still hasn't said anything yet, only looks over at me every few minutes. there ain't no way I'm gonna be the one to talk to him first, I know I'm a bit stubborn but I also just hate talking to people I don't know. Hence why I don't usually work in the front of the shack where I have to talk to costumers and even worse, tourists.

my hand brushes up against his and something shoots through me and I freeze for a minute, also realizing how close he had gotten to me as we walked. What is up with this boy.

"You a really shy girl aren't you?"

I'm to surprised that he spoke to respond so I lamely bow my head and nod.

He chuckles and grabs my upper arm, his whole hand wrapping around my small arm, and lightly tugging me along with him as we continue to walk.

once I willingly walk beside him he lets go and we continue in silence for a few minutes before he speaks again. It's very quiet but I still catch it.

"l like that your shy and quiet its.... refreshing."

I don't even know what to say to that so I just lightly bump my shoulder into his arm. He instantly snaps his head down to me and concern flashes through his eyes before he covers it up with his blank expression.

"Is something wrong?"

I only shake my head. I have no idea where my bravery on the beach when I talked to him came from but it's completely gone now.


"What's fun to do around here that we can do?"

I think for a minute, I don't even know what he likes, what if he gets mad or offended at what I suggest. Ugh thus is hard. I'm definitely over thinking this.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll be fine with whatever you come up with, I'm always down for a new adventure." He said that like he knew what I was thinking.

"well um, we could take out the pogue, go for a hike, or go to the pier?"

"What's the pogue?" I couldn't help the big smile that broke out at the thought at me and my brothers baby.

"I'll show you."

I was so excited I didn't even think twice about grabbing his hand and pulling his along at a run towards the docks.

When we got to the docks I stopped running and walked down dock four, saying hi to a few people I know. I stopped in my tracks when I saw her. Smiling I looked up to Blake to see him not looking at my beautiful boat but looking at me instead, a light smile on his face as he studied my face. When he still hadn't looked away, I coughed and that seemed to break him out of his thoughts as he looked away and towards my baby.

He took her all in and let out a low whistle.

"So this is the pogue? I like it."

"her." I corrected. He gave me a weird look but nodded anyways.

I began to walk up to her and hoped aboard. Looking back to see him following behind me.

"So, wanna take her for a spin?"

"I mean, if it's alright with you then yes, I've never been on a sail boat." He said.

"Of course, I'll unhook her. You're gonna love it." I ran around doing everything I need to to make her ready for sailing, when I was done checking everything I hoped off and untied the ropes from the dock.

I climbed back on and looked around excited as I got behind the stern and began to steer her out of the harbor. Blake was standing at the front looking out at the water. He glanced back at me, I could see the excitement in his eyes.

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