Chapter 19

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When we got into the center there was even more people. There was a good amount that were sitting down injured. Why are they all in here and not the hospital? I hope it wasn't destroyed by the storm but with the people in here I'm assuming that's the case.

Despite the tourism we get on the island, most money goes to the tourism spots like the new resort and other fancy places. Our mayor is a piece of work. The island kinda got split into 2 sides, the rich people and the poor working class, aka kooks and pogues.

Me and my brothers walk up to the man who always runs storm maintenance on the island and assigns people to spots to clean up.

"Hey Pierce's, you here to work?"

"Yes sir," Jett says shaking his hand.

"I apologize in advance but I have to put you on helping the richer people clean up their yards and whatever they need, practically everyone has refused for... obvious reasons so I'm sorry but that's the only place that needs lots of help. Will ya'll do it?" 

I sigh looking at my brothers who are already looking at me, I nod. they nod back. 

"Oh thank you guys so much." he says with an appreciative smile. he shakes Jett's hand as we walk back out of the center. 

Ryder sighs, "well this will be fun won't it?"

We all laughed as we walked back to the jeep. 


"Hey it's Charli, I'm here to help out. You would not believe how dramatic the rich side are after a storm." I say as I walk into the shelter. 

it's awfully quiet in here, which is strange since it's always buzzing with liveliness. in the front there isn't any destruction which is good to see, I'm a little worried about the back because that's the oldest part of the shelter which also makes it the weakest. 

I took a little walk after finishing on the rich side, I didn't really process what had truly happened until after we finished. It was Jett's idea that I go for a walk to clear my head before going to the shelter. I felt a little more clear headed than I did before so I thought I was ready to come here. Although it does make me quite anxious about how the animals are doing in the back. 

My thoughts come to a halt when I see a blanket being lay over a little dog. I look over and see a few more towels and blankets put over others. I begin to breath heavy, my eyes water from the scene in front of me. The ladies who work so hard to take care of these animals are all in tears, holding each other as they mourn over the loss of the animals and shelter. 

there are large gaping holes in the roof and even a few right through the walls, kennels, pet food, food dishes, brushes and leashes are scattered across the soaked cement.

I walk in a little further. sensing the presence of another person, Sydney turns around, glossy eyed, she detaches from her fellow workers and walks over to me, taking me into her shaking embrace. we stand there hugging for a few minutes. silent sobs come from Syd, I feel her hurt and pain. I too cry with her, still holding each other tight for support.

When I feel that she ha calmed down I pull away slightly and look a her. 

"I'm so sorry Sydney, they will be greatly missed. I know the animals are irreplaceable but a building and supplies are, so I say we have a lot of work to do if we want our animals to live happily again" I say nodding my head for both of our reassurances. 

Sydney wipes away her tears and nods her head back at me. 

A strong look of determination takes over her features as she releases me and stands up straight. 

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