Chapter 5

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I can't believe I got talked to going to this party. Ever since I got home, my brothers, mainly Seth, have been nagging at me to come with them. Although I know I'll mostly be the chaperon and mom to look out for the boys and make sure that they in fact make it home and not completely wasted with a new tattoo or something. 

I'm currently trying to decide what to wear. Which I have no clue what to wear to a party if I'm being honest.  I guess I'll just wing it. 

I opt for a orange bathing suit seeing as though the party is on beach. I wear blue washed jeans with a oversized button up shirt to cover myself a bit seeing as though I'm not very comfortable like most girls to just wear a skimpy bikini to a party. As an added sun protectant, until the sun goes down of course, I wear a green bucket hat with white little daisy's sewn on it. It's one of my favorite bucket hats and trust me, I have a lot of bucket hats. I put on some jewelry that go with my outfit along with some makeup to make me look a little more decent. I apply a bit of concealer, mascara, and lip gloss. Honestly, I look pretty good. 

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I walk down the hall until I reach Jett's room

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I walk down the hall until I reach Jett's room. I knock once and then open the door to his room. His room is only a little big bigger than mine. He's in the middle of slipping on a shirt like mine but only his is white. 

He looks up at me through his mirror on his dresser. 

"Hey does this look good or nah? My whole outfit I mean," He moves his hand up and down to motion to his outfit. Raising an eyebrow in question. 

"Mmmm, I think you should switch the grey swim shorts to black ones. It would go better with the white shirt." 

"Bet, thanks Chacha." He says going over to his bed where he has a few different different shorts and shirts laying. He takes off the grey shorts and puts on the black ones. He looks at himself in the mirror, adjusting them for a sec and the turning around with a smirk, giving me a fist bump. He walks over to his bed and grabs he sunglasses and phone. 

He walks out, motioning me to follow him. I do. 

He walks down the hall a few steps and barges into Ryder's room. 

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