Chapter 7

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I made it to Dawson's house. His house is on the rich side of town. I rarely come to this side, mainly because I don't live over here. I live on what the rich consider "the cut," the working side of the island, and in my opinion, the more beautiful side. 

Considering Dawson lived on the rich side, he was actually really nice and not stuck up. I think his mom and dad used to live on the cut but worked there way up to the rich side.

I hop out of the truck and go around to the passenger side as Dawson gets out. I take his arm and put it around my shoulder for balance. 

I walk him up the steps of the porch and open the door. All the lights are off. 

"My parents are long asleep by now, along with my sisters. So don't make to much noise," he whispers in my ear before slightly pulling me towards the kitchen. 

He sits down on one of the chairs in front of the island. 

"There's an icepack in the fridge freezer if you don't mind getting it for me."

"Ya of course, I'll get it," I loudly whisper as I make my way over to the freezer as he instructed. I dig around for a minute before I pull it out and bring it to him. 

"Where do your

 keep Tylenol or Advil?" I ask with a concerned look on my face. 

"Ummm, I think there's some in the pantry on the end, above the coffee maker." 

I walk over to the coffee maker and open the cupboard, there is a lot of pills and medicine in there, I see Tylenol and grab it, closing the door. I grad a cup and fill it a little ways with water, Handing him both the cup and bottle of pills. 

"Thanks," he says before drinking some water and popping 2 pills in his mouth. 

"No problem." I say with a shy smile. I never know how to react or what to say to things like this. Compliments are weird but nice.  

"Do you need anything else or should we get you to your room so you can sleep?" I ask. 

"I think I should just get some sleep." Just as he finishes his sentence, a big yawn comes from him. 

I laugh a little. 

"Ya I agree, you seem pretty tired. I'll help you to your room." 

"thanks Charli," he says while getting ad putting his arm around my waist. Practically holding me up instead of me who's supposed to he holding him up. 

We walk up the stairs, down the hall a small ways, he opens a door leading to a fairly clean room which I assume is his. 

"Wow, your room is actually really clean and organized. I mean I haven't been into many guys rooms, but let me just say it looks like a bomb was set in all my brothers rooms." We both laugh. 

After closing his door he takes his hand off my waist and walks over to his dresser I as I just stand in his room awkwardly looking around. Noticing everything in his room. 

I hear his dresser close and when I look over, he is shirtless with only his swim shorts on. Sure I've seen loads of shirtless guys but never while I'm in their rooms and they are looking at me almost like they are hungry? I am a little concerned as to why he is looking at me like that.

 I gulp as he begins to slowly walk towards me. His eyes never leaving mine. In seconds his nose is practically touching mine. I honestly don't know what's happening. 

"Wh-what are y-you doing," I stutter as I take a step back. 

He takes a step towards be, back to the closeness that he was before. 

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