Chapter 2

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Not gonna lie. I hate school. I just finished my first  year of my business degree in college.  My mom asked me the other day when I went over to spend time with her and my sister Lilly if we wanted to get away for the summer. In her exact words, "get away from our lives and learn new things, make new memories and go on amazing adventures," and I would be lying if I said I wouldn't love to get away from all the stress in my life. Stress being mainly my father and the family business.  I'm not sure how my dad would feel if I went away for the whole summer because god fucking forbid I leave for even a few days. But I really do want to go. It would be way better if my boys could come. As much as I don't want to admit, I'd miss them when I was gone. I wonder how my mom would feel if they came. I'm gonna ask her. 

Buzzz Buzzz

Speaking of, my mom's name flashes on the screen. I instantly pick it up and press answer. 

"Hey mom. What's up?"

"oh nothing really. I was just checking up and wanted to let you know I have figured everything out for the summer but haven't finalized anything because I wanted your input on it. Ok so I want to go to Maui in Hawaii. and we would be staying in rented out rooms all summer at a resort.'' She takes a breath and continues. "Lilly already asked if she could bring Cami along and I said yes as long as she would help pay for some of her stay. So I figured it's only fair I let you invite the boys. What do you think?"

"Well that all sounds great to me and honestly I'm glad you said I could invite my boys because I was just thinking of asking you. " she hums in response, so I continue. "I want to invite Danny, Tyler, Damon, Reid, and Josh if that's cool with you?"

At this point I'm sorta holding breath because I know Lilly is only bringing Camila and I'm bringing 5 boys. 

"You know what. Go for it, they all can come!"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and a sense of success washes over me. 

"Ok once you ask them and tell me who's all coming let me know I'll get started on bookings k?"

"Ok sounds good mom, thank you."

"Your welcome my boy. Ok I'll let you get to it. Bye bye I'll be hearing from you later."

"Yeah I'm on it bye mom."

The call ends and I instantly ring up Tyler. My best friend since I was 4 years old. 

He picks up on the third ring. 

"Hey brother what's up?"

"Yea hey, I was wondering if you could be free for the whole summer?"

"The whole summer. Like till beginning to end?" He said soundly a little shocked but mostly confused. 

"Yea the beginning to end whole summer. My mom is taking my sister and I to Maui all summer and I'm allowed to invite people. So you down for a little Maui adventure?"

"Holy shit dude that's awesome! I can't believe I get to go to Maui! Wait who did you ask first, serious question."

"I asked you first of course. your the first person I called. I need you there with me man."

"Awe that's like, the most heartfelt thing you've ever said to me. it means a lot dude,  could almost cry." 

I just know he put his hand to his heart and then wipped an imaginary tear.  I roll my eyes at the thought. 

"Shut up. Do you want to come or not because I swear to god I will uninvite you so fast you won't have time to say black man." I finish, a little bit winded from my outburst. Of course I didn't mean it and he knows it. I need him to come with me. 

"Fine Fine, chill out I was only kidding sassy pants I'm totally coming. I wanna know what the girl selection will be like on a tropical island."

I laugh a little and so does Ty. 

"Yea ya we leave a week from today I believe so mark your calendar."

With that last sentence I end the call before he can ask more questions about the girls I know nothing about. He does make me wonder what they will be like. Curse that boy for his stupid thoughts. 

Once I've called all of them, they all said they could come, except Josh who said he would need to talk to his family about it. Josh is definitely one of the biggest fuck boys I knew but at the same time he had incredible devotion and loyalty to his family and friends. 

One week later. 

"Hurry your ass up Ty we are gonna miss our flight." I slap him over the head to wake him up. Resulting in him letting out a loud groan. 

"Noo. It's to earlyyyy," he slurs due him being face first in his pillow. 

"Do you want to see babes on a tropical island or no because your not gonna if you don't get up right fucking now," I warn. 

At the mention of island girls he's up in an instant and suddenly very awake. Girls are the only thing he will wake up to. 

2 hours later we find everyone already at the airport waiting to board. Great this dickhead made us late. 

We greet everyone and Lilly passes me and Ty a cup of coffee and a bag of food from Starbucks that I texted, asking her to get me and Ty coffee knowing I would be to busy tying to get Ty to function to get my coffee. I pay her back and we head to our flight. 

Most of us fall asleep on the way there. Me included. 


that's the end to Chapter 2. Thoughts?

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