Chapter 15

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I walk back into the house after my morning surf with with Seth and dad. the waves were forming pretty big today and the sky was gloomy. I'm guessing the storm that was headed our way is definitely coming sooner than predicted. With storms out here means island prep. the whole town will come together and help close up shops and make sure everyone has a place to stay during storms, especially if they are big as the one predicted coming straight for us.

"I've gotta go to the neighbors and uncle Sam's to help out before the storm comes. You coming with me to help them or are you wanting to help granny around the house Char?" dad asks as we put all the boards away.

"I'll come with you dad."

"I'll stay with granny." Seth says to my right.

"Good boy. Ok I'm planning on going out and getting started after breakfast. sound good kiddo?"

"Yea for sure, I'll be ready."


I'm currently finishing up in Uncle Sam's bar. We stopped in at a few neighbours houses first before coming here. Jett went to the Shack to close everything up and Ryder came with dad and I.

"Hey Uncle Sam, is there anything else you need me to do?" I yell, not entirely sure where he is.

"Uhhh, no I should be fine, I could use Ryder's help with something so just tell him to come around front when he's done boarding up the windows please. I asume your going to go down to the animal shelter to help out?" Uncle Sam knows how much I adore the animal shelter and once in a while I go there for the day and volunteer my time for a day.

"Yes I am as a matter of fact. I'll see ya." I walk out the front of the bar and walk around till I find Ry. He's up a ladder with tin in his hands, screwing them onto the windows.

"Hey Ry I'm heading tot he animal shelter. Uncle Sam asked me to tell you that when your done out here that he needs your help inside ok?"

he looks down at me and nods. "Yea I'll see you later at home then?"

I nod as well. "yep see ya."

I walk back around the bar to where the jeep is parked. I start up the jeep and drive down to the shelter. I look out at all the people helping each other and it brings warmth to my heart.

I reach the shelter a couple minutes later and walk in. There's a couple kids that look around my age in here, but I don't recognize them so I assume they're tourists.

One boy turns around and we lock eyes. That's when I realize it's Blake. I freeze momentarily before I look down at my old white convers and blue paint covered jeans. Yea I definitely don't look very presentable and my hair is probably a mess from surfing this morning.

I walk up to the front desk, relived to see Sydney, the owner of the shelter. She offers a warm smile. That relaxes me a bit.

"Hello my dear Charli, I assume your here to help out with the storm preparations?"

"Yes I came to offer any service you may need."

"Well you should know I always need the help. Speaking of, you haven't been here to help out in quite a long while. Is everything alright?"

"Yes everything is ok Sydney. I've just been so busy, I've got more clients wanting their boards done by me than I can do at a time. I have people on waiting lists to get theirs done, it's crazy." We talk as we walk into the back and start setting up and moving crates in the most secure part of the building where the animals will be the safest.

"Ok well I understand then, I'm proud to see how well your business has taken off. I know you've always had your mothers love for art and the love for surfing. It amazes me how much your just like her." Her smile is sad and genuine. Sydney and my mother were close, best friends, so my moms death hurt her to for quite a while. I walk over to her and give her a hug, feeling a little emotional.

When we pull back we both have watery eyes. We look at each other and start laughing. I can never stay in a serious situation for very long without laughing, lucky for me neither can Sydney. When we calm down we silently keep working.

I walk back out the front of the building and see Blake sitting in the corner although this time, his friends aren't with him. He hasn't noticed me since he's reading one of the dog training books Sydney write herself. I stare at him for a minute before concluding it's rude to stare and start walking out to where the dogs are out in the play pen. I open the gate and walk in. Dogs of all kinds come running up to me, jumping on me. A big dog jumps up and knocks me back, landing me flat on my ass. Real smooth.

I can't help but laugh when I'm invaded by puppy kisses. I hear a quite chuckle and quickly jump up. Expecting to see Sydney, but instead saw Blake standing in front of the gate.

I instantly blush and look down at my shoes. Why do I always embarrass myself in-front of people.

"Hey." His deep voice cuts through the awkwardness.

"H-hey." Ok. Actually kill me right now, I freakin stuttered. I don't do that. Well not that often anyways. Only when I'm embarrassed. Damn.

"Are you alright?"

"Uh, umm, yea yea no I'm great." I cough out.

"Ok well can I come in or is not allowed since I'm not helping out?"

"No you can come in if you want. Sydney won't mind." I move back to sitting down and petting a beagle at my feet. I hear the gate open and close. Then his presence directly behind me.

"Can I sit?"


Ooo big storm! I loveeee storms<3

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