Chapter 20

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"So, how long have you lived here?" 

She looked toward me as she spoke, "I've lived in this little town my whole life. I've actually never even been off this island."

I whistled lowly. "That's crazy. That means you've never experienced snow, right?"

She looked down shyly. Fucking cute. 

"No, but I hope to see it someday. I've seen a lot of pictures of snow in Canada and Christmas in New York and it just looks so, so magical and amazing. Could you imagine living in a town full of snow for a few months? All the snowball fights, hot drinks like this drink called hot chocolate which-"

"You've never had hot chocolate before?" I didn't mean to cut her off but I couldn't stop myself. I was astonished. How has she not had hot chocolate! Sure, it's always warm here but it does cool off a little bit at some point. I guess I'll have to introduce her to it someday. 

 "No, have you seen the weather forecast for always on this island. It's never really cold." She raised her eyebrow at me to strengthen her point, which was a good one. 

"Hey, can I ask you about yourself? You don't have to answer but I'm just curious." 

I thought about it, Charli, know something about me. It would probably be a personal question. Ah fuck it, if I don't like the question I can just change the subject. 

"Yeah sure, knock yourself out." I dug my hands into the pockets of my jeans, feeling a little nervous about her question even though she hasn't even asked one yet. 

"What does your family look like? Siblings? Parents... Pets?"

Ok, this I can answer. 

"Uh well, I have a mom, her name is Lacy, I have a father, Dom. I also have a sister named Lilly. She's only 16, younger than me obviously. And that's about it. No pets." 

"What does your sister look like?"

"well, she has long, really curly bright red hair. Ice blue eyes like my dad, and really pale clear skin. I envy her for that sometimes but damn does that girl have a shit ton of skin care products."  Charli laughs a little at that. "Oh and I swear she is an addict to coffee, specifically caramel iced coffee, girl drinks it all the damn time. I actually think the two of you would get along great."

"Well I would love to meet her sometime. Did she come along with you on your trip?" She looks at me hopefully. 

"Yeah, she's at the resort with me."

"Oh great. Who else came on the trip?"

"Well. my mom, Lilly, who brought her friends Camila and Amelia. And a bunch of my friends came along to actually. My best friend Tyler, Reid, Damon, Josh, and Danny."

"Wow you must be rich because that resort is expensive." She looked at me with wide eyes. at this point we had stopped walking. We just stood in the middle of the empty street. Charli's face was lit up by the bright lights of the stars and the big full moon. she looked magical. 

"Well, my dad owns an almost billion dollar company so, ya, we are well off."

He eyes went wider than before, her mouth falling agape. She stayed like this till I cleared my throat awkwardly. I didn't like telling people this because this would be then that they start to try and get things from me, use me. I hated it. 

"Um, wow, ok then. Moving on. Ask me something?"

Wait what? She didn't ask me for anything, she didn't even make a 'rich boy' joke. This is just adding to the reasons why I like this girl. 

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