Chapter 18

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God damn is she beautiful. I'm dying here. Her hair is sprawled everywhere around and on her face. We are still on the couch where we both clearly fell asleep.

It's calming to have her in my arms. It makes me feel very protective, she is trusting me to keep her sleep while she's most vulnerable and it makes me feel honored. Proud.

I can feel her even breathing and heartbeat against my chest. Not going to lie, I looked at her breasts against my chest and them pressed against me, slightly falling out of my loose hoodie instantly gave me a boner. And I feel like shit for it. It was only for a second but god.

I look to the wall and see it's 9:30. It's very dark in my room since I always have the blinds closed so the morning light didn't wake us.

I stare and bask in the moment a few minutes longer before I lightly nudge her a few times. She groans loudly and slaps my chest. Welp she's not a morning person.

I go to speak but as if she knows, she groans out.

"Don't. Even... speak. I'm, tired."

"Hey, it's 9:30 already, we should get up."

"Ugh ok ok."

She sits up which makes her straddle my waist. Oh shit. My dick is in pain at this new sight, she stretches her arms above her head, eyes closed and makes a weird groaning sound. All I can do is stare at her.

I put my hands on her hips before I can stop myself. I can't have her moving or she'll know I've got a major hard-on for her.

She puts her arms back down when she feels my hands and looks at me. A second later her face turns bright red and she jumps off of me. When she does, she loses her balance and falls over onto the rug on the floor. I laugh a bit, her face goes even more red.

"Oh my gosh. I need to leave, like right now, I can't do any more embarrassment at the moment." Then she gets up and starts rushing toward the front door. Then I panic because I don't what her to leave just yet.

I scramble up from the couch, ignoring my dick. I jog over to her and just as she reaches for the door I slam my hand on it and cage her in against the door. I don't have a plan here but this seems to be working.

"Ummm. I really need to leave." She says looking down at her hands which are fiddling with one another. It bugs me when she does that so with one hand I grab both of hers and hold them still. Although she doesn't look up, she's staring down still?

What is she-oh. My dick.

I smirk when another layer of blush takes over her face and she gulps. Slowly looking back up at me.

"Ya, you caused that." Is all I say. Still smirking at her.

"Wanna help relieve it?" I ask. Of course I'm joking, I'm not expecting her to help me, although she is way to kind for her good.

More blush and her eyes go wide. Then angry.

Uh oh, that wasn't smart to say.

"Hey don't worry I was only kidding." My hands go up in mock surrender.

She looks away and yanks her hands out of mine. He face changes for a minute and she looks down at herself in my clothes.

"I need my clothes. Please." She sounds a little annoyed? Or mad still? I don't know.

I nod. "Ok they are in the laundry room, I'll get them you can change in my room again."

I may have had a momentary clingy moment but moments over, I don't care if she leaves or stays. Especially with her change in attitude.

A Summer on the IslandWhere stories live. Discover now