Chapter 10

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My alarm Blares into my ears as my eyes flutter open, reaching to turn it off. I yawn and stretch before getting out of bed and picking out an outfit to go running in.

I grab a pair of dark green spandex and a black Nike sports bra, putting on socks and black running shoes I put my hair up in a ponytail and head to the kitchen.

I fill a water bottle and quickly eat an apple. Then I grab my wireless headphones and phone. I hit shuffle on me playlist labeled 'B****s get stitches' and head outside.

As I run I can smell the morning, the morning dew from the light rain we got yesterday and the smell of the ocean. The birds are singing and I'm in a total bliss of contentment and happiness.

I slow up to a walk to catch my breath for a while, I look over and see the resort. I've never been in there but even from the outside it looks expensive. I turn back and keep walking.

As I'm on the home stretch of ending my run I see a boy. No a young man jogging towards me. Looks like I'm not the only one who goes for morning runs in this town. But I don't recognize him so he must be a tourist.

As we got closer the more I could define his features. He had beautiful eyes and fluffy hair. He looked really tall and built, his muscles rippling in his tight exercise shirt, stretching the material to where it looked like it would rip.

He looked up at me and stopped dead. A shocked look on his face  That's when I remembered I was only in shorts and a sports bra, my headphones are blasting in my ear so I take them out in case he for some reason talks to me. Or I talk to him, being the friendly person I am I probably will say something.

He seems to have snapped out of his trace and starts walking to me, I start to feel nervous. Butterflies form in my stomach as I get closer, this man looks like a god. The closer I get, I see a small smile creep it's way onto his face. When his eyes meet mine, he attempts to hide it but it was too late because I already caught it. As we are right beside each other we both stop. I get lost in his eyes before I can speak.

"Hey, uhh, I'm kinda lost, do you know where we are?" He breaks my focus on his eyes with his beautiful husky deep voice. I think I might faint. This man is beautiful.

"Oh, I'm ya. Where are you heading? Or trying to anyways," I politely smile at him even though I am dying inside, that was such a lame thing to say.

"Im here for the summer, I'm staying at the resort."

Damn he must be rich too then.

"Oh that's back the way I came, your heading in the right direction. If you keep going down this road you'll pass right by it."

"Oh sweet, we'll thanks then," he says and stares at me before shaking his head, a small smirk plays onto his lips. Then he begins to walk.

"The names Charli," I blurt out. I'm not really sure why I kept talking but I did. This guy just makes me so nervous. I turn around slightly to see if he even reacted to me still talking. He had stopped walking and turned around again to face me.

"Blake," he said in a low voice.

I try to play if cool, and act like I'm totally not amazed by his name which I'm sure he gets a lot of girls with just by telling them his name.

"Cool name, Blake," I drag his name out a bit, admiring how it sounded when I said it. I thought I sounded kinda cool.

"Thanks Charli." He replied back and I swear I was gonna faint when he said it. Scratch when I though I sounded cool saying his name, him saying my level is amazing to hear.

As he stared at me I suddenly became very nervous again, my checks I guarantee are becoming red from my thoughts and I panic.

"Uhh, I gotta go, um, uh, stuff. Bye!" I yelled as my voice cracked and I turned around and started to jog fast.

That was the most embarrassing moment of my life. Oh my god, what if I see him again? It's gonna be so awkward won't it. Rip me.

Ik this is rly short but the main focus of this chapter is her seeing him for the first time and how she reacts :)

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