Chapter 11

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After seeing My mystery girl on my run this morning, I've been nothing but happy and bubbly which isn't normal at all for me.

Her name is Charli. How much cuter could she possibly get. I smile at the thought of her shyness when she remembered she was only in a sports bra and shorts, god she was beautiful.
Her tan legs, the size of her perfect thighs, not to big to looks out of place but soft and her lips are the perfect size, plush and pink. And the smell of her was intoxicating. When I saw her running I did a double take thinking no way would I see her out at 5 am for a run, but there she was and I just froze with disbelief, she probably thought I was weird for that and wondering why I didn't just walk by, but yet she talked to me first. Her voice angelic.

I wanted to see her again. And soon, she had a positive and calming Ora to be around and I felt honoured to be near her.

Today we planned on going surfing and having a beach day. Tyler asked Charli's brothers if they wanted to come with us. All but that Jett guy was coming, also making me wonder if Charli would come.

After breakfast me and the boys started walking down to the beach. We were gonna go to the shack where Ty said the guys are waiting and could get us some boards. Most of my friends had but I haven't. So I planned on just swimming of wandering around as they surfed. I really didn't feel like embarrassing myself in front of new people.

When we got there sure enough all the boys where huddled around a table with a few more guys in didn't recognize. Great, more people. Hint my sarcasm. I don't like people, the only exception is my sister, my mom and my boys most of the time. And now Charli I guess.

With the seats that are left around the table, my boys sit and introduce themselves. I don't feel like talking so I turn and walk around the shack, eyeing the back area to see if my Charli is back there. I get closer and I hear humming. It'a a female voice.

I look to see Charli sitting on a stool in front of a surf board, she's... painting it. Huh. I wonder if that's the only thing she does in the shack.

She paints surf boards. Cute.

"Yo c'mon Blake, we are heading out," Tyler yells to me. The group of boys hurriedly rush out the entrance, racing to the beach. I notice my boys got some surf boards. I glance back once more to see Charli still working away. I sigh in disappointment of her not coming and jog out to the beach. Once again she didn't notice me, and I stare at her.

After a couple hours the groups of boys all are playing volleyball. I take the opportunity to walk back over to the shack. This time walking to the back. I want to see her.

I stand in the doorway, looking around her little workshop. She has her back facing me, clearly focused on what she's doing. She has earbuds in her ears, her hair is in a braid. She's wearing Jean shorts and a yellow tight fitting shirt. She's swaying to her music, bare feet lightly tapping on the wood floor. I become entranced as I watch her.

She turns around and jumps back, a small Yelp leaving her lips, she's holding a tray of paint and it falls to the floor which causes her to jump again, her hands going to cover her mouth. Whoops.

"Jesus Christ you scared me," she yelled in pants, still trying to catch her breath.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you," I say, amusement clear in my voice.

"What are you doing in back here?" Shit. Great question.

"Exploring." I reply smoothly. I deserve a pat on the back for coming up with that so quick.

"By walking into the back of a surf shack," she's testing me. Now she sounds amused by me. Dammit.

"Ya. I found exactly what I was searching for," I smirk, taking slow steps towards her.

Her face instantly turns red which makes my smirk grow. As I get closer to her she takes a step back. I took another and so did she but this time her back hits the table. I can't help the desire that momentarily clouds my brain but I shake it off. I can't be like that around her. I could be the guy she needs not the guy I really am. Not even I like him.

I take one more step so that we are practically touching. Her breath hitches in her throat and she puts her hands on my chest, probably to stop me from coming any closer, I mean it won't do anything since she's so petite and small. The feeling of her hands on my chest makes my manhood liven. All these emotions swirling around inside of me but I don't let her see them or the effect she has on me by such an innocent action. If she moved her hand up a bit she would feel my racing heart. I've never met a girl who made me feel like this. It was scary but felt right.

We stood there, all to be heard was our breathing and the faint music from her earbuds. I silently reached up and slowly took one out of her ear, she was holding the other, and she stood frozen still as I put it in. Wanting to know what she listens too. I didn't recognize it, but I liked it. It was an R & B, rap song by a female artist. I stated nodding my head along to the beat. I looked down to meet her gaze, she was already looking at me, as I made eye contact with her, red coated her checks and she looked down quickly. I smiled at her shyness.

I took out the earbud and held it out to her. She didn't take it, so I reached for her hand. She lightly flinched which sent a pang of hurt into me but I brushed it off and this time very slowly reached for her hand. Looking up at her eyes to see what she was thinking. Her eyes told me she was very nervous right now and a little worried. As soon as our hands touched a spark was sent through me. Whoah. I know she felt it too because she quietly gasped but didn't pull her hand away. So I opened her hand and put the earbud in it before closing her hand. Still making sure to look at her. Her hands were very soft but you could also tell they were working hands, they had small scars covering them and she had short nails with baby blue nail polish, which for no reason at all, turned me on a little. I removed my hand, but making sure to drag it along till my fingers fell from her hand. Then I backed away, turned and left. Leaving here there. Which I didn't like but I know the boys would start to wonder where I am.


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