1.No Depression

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Why are you so depressed
If you are not blessed
It's okay not to be like others
After all you aren't brothers
Everyone is different and not the same
Everyone's life is a unique game
You can't be perfect everytime
It's okay to be incorrect sometimes
If you are always sad
Everyone might call you mad
But you should never feel bad
People don't accept a unique mind
They only like humans of their own kind
Ignore if someone makes you frustrated
That's the reason they are created
Everyone is self-centered here
No one will show you any care
You have to rise up on your own
This fact should be well-known
If you are depressed
Just shout you are the best
Let the world hear your scream
Always be in your own team
You are the best friend of your own
You are the ice-cream of your cone
Just show yourself some belief
You are yourselves chief
Don't be depressed
Instead take some rest
Start again while being calm
Your mood lies in the lines of your own palm
You are the one who can change them
Only you can rearrange them
Rise up like the sun
Get up, It's your time to run!!!


Hey there my dear poem lovers! I am DrishKing008. Hope you liked my poem, or song I should say, as it was really long to classify as a poem but anyway. I sincerely hope you liked it. I have been writing lots of poems like this and even better ones from so much time. I just thought it was time I actually started publishing these. So, here I am.

Also, I haven't decided yet the publishing pattern I would like to follow. Like should it depend on Votes? Once a fixed target is reached, next poem is published. Or fixed updates? Like every Sunday or something like that. Or just random? whaenever I feel like.

I will decide the pattern judging by the response I get on this first poem.

Please Vote, Comment and Share my poems if you liked them. I appologize if you didn't, excuse me, I am no professional at poetry but I do wish to achieve that feat some day.

Wish to see you soon!!!

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