Chapter 74: "Phase Three"

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"I am Candy Cadet. Come get your candy here. I have candy all day. Every day. Candy. Candy. Candy."

Before they knew it Candy Cadet exploded right in front of them, throwing everyone's focus on our reinforcements now. "Push on while we have the chance!" I exclaimed at once. We slowly made our way through the main hall and where the center of the room was to deploy the EMP, all while chaos and fighting filled their air. The Rockstar Animatronics did the best they could to fight against the enemy, though it was evident they would soon fall. Their purpose was to act as an distraction and to give us enough time to plant our EMP. Ennard got ready to rush us before he turned behind him to the sight of more animatronics coming up from behind him and his minions. It appeared to be a frog animatronics, a pig animatronic, a bear animatronic, a hippo animatronic, a beaver animatronic, and a weird looking one that was holding a set of cymbals. "Units Music Man, El Chip, Mr. Hippo, Happy Frog, Nedd Bear, and Pigpatch have arrived. "Huh. Original," I said to myself as they all ran at the enemy behind them. Now the enemy was distracted long enough for us to set off the EMP and wait for it to denote as we slowly approached the center of the main area. I could tell Ennard wanted to go after me and the others, though he knew he had to deal with our reinforcements. It was the first time I had seen him annoyed, or more like him expressing the feeling of things not going his way. It seemed even Ennard had his breaking point, or at least a hint of one. We pushed through as I shot a couple Shadow Beams at Twisted Freddy, who tried biting my head as he backed off, while Nightmare Balloon Boy did the same with Foxy. She attempted to kick him as he dodged the attack and backed up, all before Helpy shot multiple Shadow Beams at him. Nightmarionne appeared in front of me as he attempted to strike me, which I then blocked with a Shield Shield before I attempted to punch him as he jumped back to avoid my attack. One of the Prototype's charged at me with his blade out and attempted to slash me, before I ducked to avoid the attack. I then shot multiple lasers at its face before I kicked it back before firing more lasers at its chest, followed by a huge explosion from the Prototype. One of the endoskeletons got caught up in the blast, which caused the explosion to increase in size as the enemy did their best to avoid the blast. We continued our way through the main room, all while I could see Bonnie, Mangle, and Charlie dealing with the enemies that were still trying to attack them. Mangle had somehow managed to take control over a Redbear and had it under her control, which was fighting one of the Tangles. One of the Prototype's attempted to slash her with its blade, as Mangle quickly dodged to the side and shot a Shadow Beam at the back of its head, before she inserted the Decoder. She took it out after a moment before the Prototype turned to focus on some of the other Prototypes by shooting its laser at it, in which they fired back to eliminate it. Finally we reached the middle of the main area, as I took in the little moment to observe the battle happening around me. All the animatronics Duality activated were fighting with the endoskeletons, Prototypes, whoever that was considered an enemy, engaging in a war that would soon end. When you stared at the face of war, you soon realize its not just death and loss. It's a manifestation of what beings are capable of. Even so, it is also the pursuit of defending your beliefs and ideals that may exist in our world. War had many faces, you just had to find the most good looking one.

"Alright I'm setting up the EMP!" exclaimed Michael as he pressed the button on it. The screen in front of it displayed a timer of one minute, as it decreased to reach zero and go off. "Alright! Defend the device! We'll leave leave when its at one second!" I exclaimed. "What?! Isn't that cutting it a little close?!" exclaimed Helpy. "It is! However, it's the only way to ensure the enemy doesn't try to disarm or destroy it!" I exclaimed back. I noticed Rocktstar Chica fall to the ground with a hole in her chest from the Prototype stabbing her with its blade. We didn't have much time left until our reinforcements were destroyed and the enemy focused their attention back towards us, which meant we had to make due with the time we had left. Twisted Chica attempted to grab my head as I managed to move my head to the side and quickly shot a laser at her face. She moved her head back, which gave me the chance to kick her in the knee then quickly punch her in the face, as she fell onto the ground and tumbled over from the impact. I took at quick glance at the time, which read about forty-seven seconds left. This really did feel like the slowest minute ever. Again I turned to the sight of Rockstar Bonnie's head getting shot through multiple times as he collapsed onto the ground, which the Redbear and White Rabbit that were dealing with him then turned their attention towards us now. They both ran at Helpy and Charlie, which the both of them noticed them heading over as Helpy and Charlie both summoned Shadow Shields to block their attacks. I turned once again to see Twisted Foxy running at me, as I summoned a shield to block him opening his mouth and trying to bite me. This time he was even more aggressive as he continued to bite on the shield before he then slashed my shield over-and-over. I then got a glimpse of something being thrown across the main room from the hallway, which appeared to be El Chip's head with frizzed wires at the bottom where it was once connected to his body. One of the endoskeletons ran at me with its blade out, before I quickly ducked my head and moved my body back to avoid its attacks. "Thirty seconds left until the EMP goes off!" exclaimed Duality. Thirty seconds and the enemy was pushing hard to break our defenses. As soon as Twisted Foxy went in to bite my shield again, I got rid of it and punched him in the face as hard as he I could before I shot multiple lasers at him. He dodged all of them, of course, but at least he was away from me now to regain my composure for a second. Foxy suddenly yelped in pain due to Nightmare Balloon Boy, as I quickly assisted her by shooting a couple Shadow Beams at him. He dodged all of them and backed off now, as I could see the wound of a slash on her chest. There wasn't much we could do at this time, a wound was nothing of what would happen to us if we gave up.

"Twenty seconds left!"

The lower the countdown the more I was anxious to see how this would end up. There was a chance we would fall or worse, anything could happen. However I knew I, my family, would be doing their best to ensure the chances of us failing would be close to zero. An explosion filled the surrounding area to the right of me, as Helpy got knocked onto the ground by a Prototype. It aimed its laser at him, ready to take his life before Charlie quickly punched it in the face, before Helpy shot a couple Shadow Beams at it so it would retreat. Charlie quickly grab him and put him on the ground, before they went back to focusing on the fight. Michael shot a Shadow Beam next to me at one of the endoskeletons I was fighting a couple times, before finally he summoned an axe from the Resurrection Power and threw it them. They, of course, got out of the way so it wouldn't hit them, but it allowed them to not focus their attention on me.

"Ten seconds left!"

This was it. Ten seconds and this whole place and every animatronic or endoskeleton would be shut down. Out of nowhere I had to duck to the sight of Rockstar Foxy's dismantled body thrown at me, as it flew past Helpy and onto the ground. Nightmarionne appeared in front of me and tried slashing me, as I managed to duck his attack. Foxy helped my by trying to punch him, which allowed me to shoot multiple lasers at him as he disappeared again. I then had to summon a shield to block an attack from Nightmare Bonnie, who attempted to kick my shield while I held it to guard myself from his attacks. "Five seconds!" exclaimed Duality. "You heard him! On one we leave!" I exclaimed.


I quickly turned to the sound of Ennard running past the endo-skeletons and minions fighting me, as he seemed to be heading straight for EMP.


He jumped right on one off the Tangle's and launched himself in the air, seemingly in an attempt to reach the EMP


I knew what I had to do, but Foxy had beaten me to the responsibility first. She had already moved to stand on top of the EMP, ready to defend it. 


As soon as that number was spoken I was left with the sight of Foxy in the motion of punching Ennard, leaving their fates for me to find when the seconds would go by again. Now it was a countdown to find out if she had escaped the blast, or had been deactivated to ensure our mission continued towards success. There were somethings I could wait for. This I could not.

Just a Robot 5 (A Fnaf Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang