Manik: (cupping her face) Nandini baby why are you crying? Are you hurt? (she shook her head) Scared?

She nodded. He again hugged. While Cabir checked other girls whether they are fine or not. In between policeman saw the boys and he called them.

Policeman: Hello Mr. Malhotra. Are you her guardian?

Manik: Yes she is my girlfriend. Why are they here?

Policeman: Well they met with an accident with our police van. Thankfully there was no one inside it and your girlfriend was driving without a license.

Manik: Wait a minute. You mean to say Nandini was driving the car. Sir there has to be some kind of misunderstanding because Nandini doesn't know how to drive.

Policeman: No we have the proof and you can ask her yourself.

Manik: (to Nandini) Nandini what are they saying? You were driving the car?

The whole time she was looking at the ground.

Manik: (sternly) Nandini look at me and answer were you driving the car? (no response). NANDINI I SAID ANSWER ME.

Because of his shouting she flinched.

Cabir: Manik we are at police station control yourself.

Manik: (took few deep breath to calm himself) You have a lot of explanation to do once we reach home. I am not gonna leave you this time.

Well now she was more than scared after his warning. She didn't knew how she will explain it to him when she herself was at fault. She wished she could go back in time and just stop herself from throwing tantrums and listening to her Di but unfortunately now that everything is done she just can pray that someone will save her today.

Manik called his lawyer to come and do the necessary paperwork to bail them out.

Manik: I have called my lawyer he will complete the further procedure.

Policeman: Ok till that time please sit on the bench.

They nodded and went there. Manik was glaring at Nandini the whole time who had her gaze on the ground all this while.

Manik: Who gave her driving? (no response) I am asking you something girls who gave her permission to drive?

Navya: Manik please ca...calm down.

Manik: (frustrated) That's not the answer to my question. (no response) Fine you guys don't want to say anything right? No problem I very well know this is all because of Nandini and this time no one can save her from me. Cabir call the boys and tell them to come home as soon as possible.

Cabir nodded and called the boys and told them to immediately reach home. Meanwhile the lawyer had arrived and both Manik and Cabir with lawyer were completing the paperwork.

After 1 hour they were done with everything and the girls were given last warning and no case was filed against them.

Right now everyone was inside car. Everyone was tensed about what will happen once they reach home. The whole ride was silent no one said even a single word no one tried to explain Manik or calm him down because they knew nothing is gonna help.

After sometime they reached home.

Manik: Out everyone now.

They looked at each other and got out of the car except Nandini who was shivering in fear.


But she shook her head and that was it for Manik he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the car slamming the door of the car. He dragged her inside the house where everyone was waiting for them even Abhi and Dhruv had reached there.

Manan: Baby loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon