24/Ending 2

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Takemichi's pov:
It's been a week I have been here now. My body is paralyzed most of the time, Mikey doesn't let me get out of this room anymore. He feeds me and sends me to the washroom himself. He is drugging me again and I'm losing my memories. He forces me to have sex with him too. I don't remember the last time I smiled anymore. I am living like a doll right now.

"Mitchy ~~" here he comes again with those drugs and foods. How can he smile so brightly when I'm so miserable.

"You look paler than before. Why are you so gloomy?" He said handing me a sandwich. I ate without uttering a word since he will surely force me to eat if I don't. "Why aren't you smiling anymore!?" He said I just looked down.

"It's fine you are just sick right now. I will make you happy again and we will stay together forever okay ~?" He sang as I nodded. I don't know anything anymore. I am just doing anything he asks me to do.

"Time for your medicine" he said giving me a pill that's obviously drug for sure. I refused to eat it by shaking my head. He just stared at me for a while and hid his face under his palm.

"You know..you are acting like a brat again..do you want me to punish you!?" He said almost yelling. I didn't had the courage to look at him so I just looked down shivering since room temperature is unusually cold right now.

"So you aren't gonna talk now!?" He said gripping my jaw as tears started falling down my cheeks.

"Crying like a bitch won't help you. Eat this pill now unless you want another beating" he said forcefully opening my mouth. But I pulled my face away. Whatever this drug is, it's dangerous. It makes me sleepy and tired. I get hallucinations and probably losing my mind too. Since this drug only makes me think about Mikey. I can't even remember my name anymore.

3rd person pov:
Mikey stopped talking as Takemichi pulled his face away. Mikey clicked his tongue and put the pill on his mouth. He pushed Takemichi on the bed and forcefully kissed Takemichi to make Takemichi shallow the pill. Takemichi could only shed tears at Mikey's animalistic behavior. While Mikey loved the look of fear Takemichi had in his face.

"From now on. Do as I say. If you don't listen to me from next time I will make your life miserable Takemichi San" Mikey said exiting the room. Takemichi sobbed louder, he wasn't sure why fate is so unfair to him.

1month later:
It only took one month for Takemichi to forget himself. He only remembers his name and his boyfriend's name. Everyday he wakes up looking at his boyfriend Mikey's face. All day he spends his time talking to Mikey and sometimes Mikey tells him stuff about his 'past'. Only Mikey knows him well. He can only trust Mikey and rely on Mikey. Since Mikey removed the shackles from his leg long ago he doesn't think it's suspicious for him to stay with Mikey all day.

According to Mikey Takemichi was originally a orphan, he dated Mikey and because of an 'accident' Takemichi lost his memories. Of course Takemichi had his doubts but every time he saw Mikey his heart started racing. He thinks it's because of love but sometimes he feels scared around Mikey too.

This made up story by Mikey was enough to convince Takemichi that he only has Mikey and Mikey only has him. Since he doesn't have his memories he doesn't even know what's outside of these grey walls.

Today they are going out of country in Mikey's private jet. Only god knows where he got the money for this anyway. Mikey successfully made Takemichi his so now he is going to take Takemichi out of this country and live a 'happy' life.

"Ano Mikey Kun..is this okay?" Takemichi shyly asked Mikey showing his shirt. He was wearing a red shirt with black blazer and a skinny jeans. Mikey looked at him and nodded.

"You look beautiful in everything my love" Mikey said putting his white blazer. He didn't notice the blushing mess he made out of Takemichi.

"Uh...you..too.." Takemichi said as Mikey hugged Takemichi and whispered, "mhm... I know now let's go darling".
"Woah this house is so pretty babe" Takemichi said as Mikey smiled at him. They are in Germany now.

Mikey's pov:
Ah  finally Takemichi is all mine. I already disconnected him from the other side of the world. He looks happier with me. I do feel bad for making him forget his past but he is no longer sad or depressed. He is smiling like before and I love him soo much.

"Babe can I go upstairs!?" He said with cute smile. I can't handle this cuteness. I will protect him from everyone. I don't want to share him with anyone else.

"Of course you can. Be careful though" I said as he nodded like a child. I love him so much.

"Now..." I said making my way to the warehouse.

"I have to seal this room forever" I said looking at the skeletons and broken bones of my family members and Takemichi's too. I want to stay with my family and Takemichi but I can't let them meet each other.

"Shini,Emma,Izana and gramps please watch over us. Hina San don't worry I will take better care of Takemichi. All of you can rest here now" I said closing the door.

"Ah..Mikey Kun?" Takemichi's voice scared the living daylight out of me just as I was about to lock the door.

"Yeah..?what are you doing here Mitchy..?" I said being all nervous. He couldn't have seen those bodies...what if he did...all of my efforts will be in vain.. should I kill him too? And then we can stay together forever....

"Mikey Kun!!" He said again. Looking at face I realized I was truly a monster. How could I think of killing him.. what's wrong with me...

"Yeah babe?" I said as he tilted his head.

"Are you okay..? Woah is that a hidden room?" He asked. He is still worried about me. Maybe I should just kill myself.

"Yeah I'm fine..this.." I said looking back at the room.

"This room is cursed. None is allowed to go here that's why I'm locking it " I said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.

"Ehh! Really? Let's get outta here!! This is so scary " he said holding me protectively. I chuckled at his cuteness and nodded my head saying, "yeah let's get outta here and explore the city ".

He nodded and left as I took a last glance at the room saying, "if it's for Takemichi I wouldn't mind adding more people in that room".

"Koko! Listen to me!!" Naoto yelled at Koko who was on a rampage right now.

"Listen to what!!? You fucking asshole! My Inupi is still unconscious it's been 2 weeks!!" Koko said throwing the books on the ground.

"Doctor said he will wake up! Just give him some time and let me handle Mikey's case" Naoto replied.

"Handle what!? You let that fucker go right in front of your eyes. He even took Takemichi with him. He killed Kakucho Rindou and Ran! Senju, Wakasa and Sanzu are barely alive. What else do you want!? Koko screamed. He was so done with Naoto.

"Okay! Fine just listen...Mikey had put several time bombs around the city. Whole police department was busy finding them. Mikey made a deal with us. If we let him and Takemichi go he would give us the location or he would kill all of us ..." Naoto said tearing up.

"I had no other choice..do you think I would let that fucker take Takemichi right in front of my eyes when I'm still alive!? ..I was just...I'm sorry" Naoto started crying. He was holding back his tears since that day. He couldn't choose his friend over thousand innocent people's lives.

"Mikey is insane.." is all Koko said before sitting on the ground. He doesn't know what to do anymore.  Everything is messed up. Everyone's life is messed up.

"Happy ending isn't happy for everyone. Sometimes someone happy ending costs several people's misery"


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