side story 1

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"Kazutoraaaaaaaaaaa!!" Raven haired Man yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Why are yelling again?" Sandy eyed man with a tiger tattoo covering his neck asked eating chips.

"What's this???90000¥!!!!?? For what!?" Baji yelled at the man showing him credit card bills. It seems like Kazutora used Baji's card to buy nonsense again.

"Oh..that..."Kazutora said pretending to think something.

"Don't oh me! What did you buy this time?!? More importantly why do you use my card!!" Baji said as he is definitely tired of kazutora stealing his card and buying random stuff.

"Come on! Don't be stingy. Your card my card it's the same thing~" Kazutora said hoping Baji would let him go this time. But he was wrong.

"Hahh!? Same thing!? Then why don't you use your card!?" Baji reasoned out.

"Tch you are being soo mean. I'm gonna tell Chifuyu " Kazutora pouted. He was actually having fun teasing Baji.

"Agh...  just tell me what the hell you brought this time" Baji sighed. He was too tired to deal with kazutora everyday. Since chifuyu wasn't home and peke j was sleeping, he wanted to relax.

"Okay fineee. This is what I brought" saying so he shows Baji his left arm. There was a bracelet with 'Kazutora & Chifuyu & Baji ' written on it.  Kazutora smiled at the sight of Baji's pouted face.

"That's kinda cute....did you brought only one?" Raven haired man asked as kazutora stared at him.

"Hm...nah I brought another one for chifuyu" he said as Baji's shoulder dropped. He wanted one too but his pride wouldn't let that show to kazutora.

"Oh okay...Don't use my card next time or I will yeet you into the ocean" Baji said as kazutora chuckled.

In the evening:
"Hah this is Soo annoying. I should just quit my job" black haired man with a undercut said to himself plopping into the couch.

"Yoh Chifuyu" Baji entered the room with a wide grin as usual.

"Are you okay? You look wasted. What happened?" Kazutora said attacking chifuyu with a side hug.

"Mmm work was hectic today. I had to deal with Karen's all by myself " Chifuyu replied hugging kazutora back.

"You should have just called me. I would have burn their cars" Baji said sitting beside chifuyu and patting his head.

"Nah I'm good. I don't want to deal with Police anymore" Chifuyu said as kazutora chuckled.

"Here. I brought this for you" kazutora said handing
Chifuyu a gift box. Seeing the box Chifuyu's eyes lit up. Even though Chifuyu always gets gifts from Baji and Kazutora still he always shows the same expressions.

"Woahh this is soooo cute. Kazutora arigato!!!" Chifuyu said hugging Kazutora tighter as he saw the beautiful bracelet.

Baji just stared at them for a while. He was definitely feeling left out and somewhat jealous. He decided to leave the room and stood up from the couch.
But before he could another step kazutora grabbed his wrists and pulled him closer to them.

"Eh wha-" "of course I won't forget to buy one for you. You don't need to look so sad" kazutora said as Baji saw a bracelet in his palm. His eyes immediately lit up. He immediately hugged Chifuyu and Kazutora. While he and Kazutora was enjoying this group hug. Chifuyu wasn't feeling great being crushed by both of his boyfriend.

"Baji San! Kazu can you guys let me breath! " he said as both of them immediately retreated.

"Are you okay?" Both of them said together as Chifuyu chuckled.

"Of course I am. Anyway I'm gonna sleep I have to deal with them tomorrow too." Chifuyu yawned.

"What about our movie night"
"Shut it Baji. He needs to sleep. Go take a shower and I will get the food ready" kazutora said as Chifuyu nodded with a smile.

"Okay then I will help chifuyu with his shower" Baji shamelessly said as kazutora looked at him with are you serious look. Chifuyu's ears reddened at Baji's advice and he immediately shaked his head.

"No need!!" Chifuyu said as he immediately got up from his seat and ran.

"Pfft he is Soo cute." Baji said as kazutora nodded.

"He is but" kazutora bonked Baji's head adding, " don't tease him too much. He needs to rest dumbass."

"Woah! You cooked them all by yourself?" Chifuyu asked as kazutora proudly nodded his head. He learned cooking a long time ago.

"Of course not! I helped him" Baji said as kazutora replied, "yeah thanks for playing games standing beside me".

"Pfft... Really now Baji San? I thought you knew how to cook" Chifuyu said as Baji replied, "of course I know!"

"Suree last time you cooked, you almost blew up this apartment" kazutora sarcastically said as Baji coughed remembering the fire.

"It was just an accident.." Baji mumbled as both kazutora and Chifuyu tried to hold their laughter.

"Stop laughing you two!" Baji's face reddened as he tried to stop them but they both became laughing mess.

"Okay I am full now. I will be going to sleep now" Chifuyu said as he went to the room.

Chifuyu plopped down in the bed hugging the pillow. His peace didn't last long since certain raven haired man snatched the pillow from him and slide into Chifuyu's arms.

"You should hug me instead" Baji said as Chifuyu smiled and nodded. They were having their cuddling time as kazutora attacked the due.

"Then let me hug you" kazutora said hugging
Chifuyu from behind burying his face into Chifuyu's neck. Chifuyu being sandwich between them fell asleep as this was his daily routine.

Chifuyu woke up and saw Baji still sleeping beside him while kazutora was nowhere to be found. After doing his morning routine Chifuyu went to the kitchen and saw Kazutora making breakfast for him.

After eating breakfast Chifuyu got ready and heeded to the door as kazutora blocked him.

"Are you seriously going to leave like this.?" He said as Chifuyu titled his head acting he doesn't know anything.

"Huh.. forget it...don't forget to eat lunch and stay safe" kazutora said clearing the way.

"Pfft you are really cute" Chifuyu said kissing Kazutora's lips. Kazutora happily smiled and kissed him back hugging lightly .

"Come back soon. I miss you a lot" kazutora said as Chifuyu nodded.

Chifuyu left the house and headed toward his workplace.

"Ehhhh again!!! Why didn't you wake me up!?" Baji yelled as Kazutora replied, "stop yelling. It's not my fault Baji. you are a heavy sleeper . Beside he is gone so stop yelling now." Kazutora replied.

"I will wake up next time for sure !" Baji said to himself as kazutora snickered. He knows Baji wouldn't wake up no matter what.

"Anyway I have to go to work now. Take care of the house and peke j" kazutora said getting ready as Baji nodded patting peke j.

"What??" Chifuyu exclaimed as his assistant gave him the news.

"Yeah. Someone burned their car and they are assuming the culprit was a black haired vampire" his assistant said as Chifuyu started laughing.

He knows it's none but Baji.

"What's funny?" His assistant asked as Chifuyu shaked his head, "I just remembered I have a black cat who is similar to a that vampire you mentioned"

"Peke j wait here. I have to do something " Baji explained to the cat. Peke j looked at the raven haired man burning someone's car.

"None will bully my Chifuyu" Baji said picking up peke j , "let's go home now" he added heading toward home.

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