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"what the hell...?"

Kakucho leaned against the wall. He saw this horrifying side of Mikey. He knew Mikey was out of his mind but he never imagined his mental state was this bad.

" I can't stay with him anymore. I'm sorry Izana forgive me" Kakucho said getting out of the building. Kakucho didn't follow Mikey on his own. Izana asked him to help his brother before he died. That's why he stayed all these years knowing Mikey was going crazy slowly but now he knows Mikey is beyond help.

He called Ran once he got out of the building and started his car engine. He told everything to Ran. He expected Ran to be shocked or something but instead Ran started laughing. He asked him to visit Ran's house.

In Haitani's mansion:
"Yo Kakucho" Ran said sipping tea  as Rindou and Sanzu was looking through files. "I am serious Ran. Mikey lost his mind." He said as he thought they wouldn't believe him.

"I know just take a seat for now." Ran said pointing at a couch. "Ran this isn't child play. He really has gone crazy. I can't stay with him anymore. You can stay with him if you-" "who says we want to stay with that madman?" Ran interrupted.

"Huh?...wait what? Why.. did something happen? Don't you guys  follow Mikey blindly?" Kakucho asked honestly being confused. Mikey's punch knocked him out for a long time. He didn't know anything that happened in the meantime. When he woke up he saw Mikey's crazy ranting.

Ran chuckled said everything they experienced tonight, their future plans.

"You can't be serious..... He did what??" Kakucho asked in disbelief. "Look at him for example" Ran showed a sleeping Inui on the other couch full of bruises. Kakucho looked at him and rubbed his forehead.

"I...I... Mikey can just go fuck himself. Fuck this I'm leaving this country tonight." Kakucho said as he couldn't believe his eyes.

"You should wait till our plan is successful. You suffered too" Sanzu said. "Nah I'm done. I will leave tonight. Pass my apologies to Senju and Takemichi. If you guys need anything ring me up. I will head out now." Kakucho said getting up from the couch.

"You will miss the fun part." Sanzu said as Kakucho was about to close the door, "nah I had enough fun these years. I will let myself breath for a while now" Kakucho replied as he closed the door.

"And done!!!!" Rindou and Sanzu screamed together. Finally after working all night they got rid of all the important information. They erased their crimes leaving only Mikey's crimes on the database. They disbanded bonten with the help of Haruchiyo's position. Now Bonten was nowhere to be found.

"Okay now that we are done. Send these files to Naoto tachibana. He has been in our nose for years now. This information will definitely be useful in his hands. Unlike other money hungry dorks" Ran advised Rindou.

Mikey didn't know anything about these new problem in his life. He was focusing on 'saving' Takemichi.

With Takemichi:
He couldn't sleep all night thinking about the stuff Koko told him. He got up from the bed and saw others eating breakfast while talking about the plan. Koko saw Takemichi standing a far away.

"Hey Takemichi! You are awake already ? You could have slept more!" Yuzuha said.

"I wasn't sleepy" Takemichi said faking his smile. Chifuyu pulled a chair next him and gestured him to sit. He sat on the chair started eating the food. After eating Yuzuha spoke, "um.. Takemichi I was being irrational last night. You don't need to be a hostage! You can stay here."

"Huh?... No it's fine Yuzuha.." Takemichi said leaning against the chair, "It's partly my fault for Mikey's situation. Lemme do what I can Yuzuha" he added smilingly bitterly.

"Um..oka-" "absolutely not!" Naoto slammed his hands on the table making everyone look at him. "Takemichi you finally got out of his hands. I promised Nee san to protect you!" Naoto gritted his teeth "you don't have to do anything. We have additional help from others." Naoto finished.

Yuzuha: additional help from who?

Takemichi: sti-

Baji: shut up Takemichi. Let us protect your dumbass.

Chifuyu: yeah leave it to us partner. Naoto has a new plan.

Mitsuya: what plan?..

Draken: are you serious Naoto? Tsk

Kazutora: well let him speak. Let's hear it out.

Angry : yeah haha let's hear him first.

Koko: What's your new plan ?

Naoto:Well.. as you guys know Senju was helping us from shadow. Yesterday Mikey found out and beat her up. She was taken to the hospital, she is in coma and-

Takemichi: WHAT???

Baji: I'm not even surprised anymore.

Kazutora: At least she is alive.

Draken: what the hell are you saying Naoto!??

Yuzuha: GUYS STOP IT. let him speak.

Everyone looked at Yuzuha as she screamed and stopped talking. Draken clenched his fists. Koko was shivering but he wasn't saying anything while Takemichi looked at Naoto with terror in his eyes . Naoto sighed and pulled out a black file with 'Bonten' written on it.

Naoto: Haitani Ran called me last night. According to him Bonten's Number two Sanzu disbanded Bonten. Haitani's, Kakucho,Sanzu,Wakasa and other executives are betraying Mikey. They made a deal with police department.

Koko: what deal...? Are you sure ..you can trust these assholes?

Koko was stuttering. He was afraid Mikey found out about him too. Also he was worried about Inui.

Naoto: Deal is to let them go. Since all they did was following Mikey and now we can catch him with the help of this file in my hand. They promised us to leave gangster life and live a normal life. All they want is Mikey to be jailed now. Of course we didn't trust them but ..

Taiju: What ?

Naoto: this is our only chance to capture Mikey without getting hurt. I don't .. I mean we don't want another person dead. So we will let them go under condition. For now we will focus on capturing Mikey.

Yuzuha: pfft you gotta be kidding me. His own gang is betraying him.

Mitsuya: I honestly don't care what you do with him today. But I will be the one to kill him. Keep that in mind.

Angry: uh no you don't. I will have my fair share too.

Takemichi just listened to them without uttering another word. Chifuyu noticed he was shaking. But Chifuyu didn't wanted to say anything as he knew it was useless. After their plan to capture Mikey ended Naoto asked Chifuyu to stay with Takemichi to protect him. While others left one by one to their mission. Before leaving Angry looked at Takemichi saying

"When we heard you were kidnapped and Hina died we asked Mikey to meet us. Smiley just wanted  Mikey to spare you but instead Mikey killed him. Please Takemichi don't ever get caught by him he is fucking insane".

A/n: Ayo what the hell guys. Is this Mikey hunting now ? I feel bad for Mikey TwT.

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