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Takemichi was laying on the bed and  looking at the ceiling aimlessly. Someone entered the room and started walking towards his bed. Takemichi closed his eyes as he knew it was none other Mikey.

That person towered over Takemichi. Takemichi opened his eyes with blank expression. He looked at Sanzu's gun pointed on his forehead. He looked at Sanzu and closed his eyes. Mikey got mad . He wanted Takemichi to cry and beg for help. But Takemichi was ready for his death.

Mikey burst into the room with lots of bags filled with injections. Sanzu looked at Mikey and for the first in his life started shaking. He quickly walked towards Mikey saying,"he might die boss."

Mikey didn't listen to Sanzu. He grabbed Takemichi's hand and started injecting him with drugs. Takemichi still didn't had any resistance at all. He was just sitting on his bed and staring at his hand getting injections.

After 8th injection Takemichi fainted. Mikey looked at Sanzu asking what happened?. Sanzu just rubbed his forehead and explained how overdose of this drug can literally kill people. Mikey just looked at Takemichi and asked , "But he is gonna be more obedient, right?" . Sanzu scratched his neck and nodded.

Takemichi woke up from a deep slumber. He looked around and saw Koko sleeping on a chair beside him. Takemichi sat up on the bed and touched his head. He had a severe headache. Next thing he knew, Koko hugged him. He didn't had much reactions. Koko broke the hug and looked at Takemichi with worried look, "Are you okay?" He asked.
Takemichi didn't say anything. He just stared at Koko. Koko saw lots of questions on Takemichi's eyes he sat back on the chair and told him,"You were sleeping for three days. Everyone was worried. Doctor told us you might not wake up." Koko sighed.

Takemichi looked at the man with his almost dead eyes "Who?". Koko looked at him with confusion on his eyes. Takemichi added,"Who are you? Sorry my head hurts I kinda don't remember your name.." . Koko stared at him for a while and smiled bitterly,"Ko...Coco..". Takemichi looked at him again,"My name is Coco.. I'm your friend" Takemichi nodded.

They talked about Takemichi's headache and some random stuff until Takemichi eat and fell asleep. Koko left the room. He was heading towards Mikey's office.

"Hah... seriously..what the hell am I doing?" Koko mumbled. Koko was never happy about kidnapping Takemichi and drugging him. He was the financial advisor so he couldn't object Mikey. None could do that. That day Mikey called doctor because Takemichi's body was cold and his forehead was burning. Doctor told them heavy dose of 'A' type drug is deadly. Takemichi might lose his mind or memory and worse he might die. Koko felt guilty as he was a part of them too.

Koko looked at Mikey sipping coffee. He sat on the sofa next to Sanzu and started telling Mikey about Takemichi's condition. Mikey looked at Koko for a second and grinned. "Finally!" Mikey yelled.

6years later:

Takemichi woke up, brushed his teeth. He went to the kitchen and started cooking breakfast. He set the table, went back to his room . Takemichi looked at his lover sleeping peacefully after almost killing him last night. He sighed and whispered into his lovers eyes ,"Wake up Mikey Kun".

Mikey looked at Takemichi with half opened eyes and grabbed Takemichi's waist. He pulled Takemichi on the bed and hugged him. "Just a little bit more babe" he said burying his face on Takemichi's chest.

Takemichi sighed and slowly pushed him away ,"No! Your friends are gonna be here anytime soon." Mikey hugged tightly and shaked his head. Takemichi pushed him away," do you want me to sleep in the guest room?"

Mikey gasped dramatically and shaked his head with invisible tears in his eyes. He almost looked like a lost puppy. Takemichi laughed a little, "Then freshen up I will be waiting in the dining room."
Mikey listen to him like a obedient puppy.

After eating breakfast Takemichi and Mikey was sitting on the couch. Mikey was cuddling Takemichi as Takemichi was looking at TV. That's when door bell rang. Takemichi opened the door and saw Sanzu with a lot of bags on his hand and Koko with a boutique of white roses.

He smiled at them,"You didn't had to bring anything Koko." Sanzu glared at Koko saying,"I am the one who brought more stuff why are looking at Koko". Takemichi tried to hold back his laughter as he saw a man in thirties wining like a child.

"Geez...Dad stop being a brat" a little girl spoke with a handful of red roses on her hand. She had white hair and green eyes. She was around 5 years.

"Ah Hana San" Takemichi said to the girl. "This is for you Takemichi Kun" girl said to Takemichi offering his roses with slightly blushed cheeks.
Takemichi took the flowers and thanked her. Her face turned red like a tomato when someone slapped her head lightly. "Stop hitting on my husband, brat" Mikey said as he took the groceries from Sanzu's hand.
"Hmph!! I am not hitting on him. " Hana yelled. Koko chuckled at the scene. Sanzu just rubbed his forehead saying, "She definitely took after her mom."

They walked inside and sat on the sofa. Hana was having a staring contest with Mikey. Takemichi was preparing snacks in the kitchen while Koko was teasing Sanzu.

Author: :) should I write a story about Sanzu's love story ..? In this arc?

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