21/Ending 1(tragic)

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Tw:blood,Death, suicidal thoughts, tragedy.

"Ack!" Inui yelled in pain as Mikey shoot his left shoulder.

"Inui!!" Takemichi ran as Inui fell on the ground with a thud. His left shoulder was bleeding heavily, he was crying in pain. Takemichi glared at Mikey "SANO MANJIRO! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!"  saying so Takemichi shifted his gaze towards Inui. He wasn't prepared for another death.

"I'm fine..michi.." Inui was barely talking at this point. Soon ambulance siren was heard Takemichi saw Naoto and Koko running toward them.

"What the... Are you okay ? Takemichi" Naoto asked Takemichi putting his gun in the pocket. Takemichi nodded and saw Koko picking up Inui in bridal style, "Nothing will happen to you Inupiii hang in there". He carried Inui to the ambulance without looking back.

"Tch that fucker" Naoto looked at Mikey laying on ground on his own pool of blood. Takemichi's eyes widened as he saw Mikey's condition. Then he realized there were two gun shots. One shot by Mikey and another shot by someone else.

His body moved on its own he was near Mikey's almost dead body. He was trembling and crying subconsciously.

"Mi..Mikey...?" Takemichi said as Mikey just chuckled, "you are finally free Mitchy".

"I..I..m" "shut it Mitchy. I don't want to hear more hurtful words from you. Even though I did torment you so much still I loved you very much. Just let me die knowing you only hated me" Mikey said closing his eyes.

"No..Mikey...I.." Takemichi started sobbing as Mikey slowly opened his eyes again. He wasn't dead yet.

Takemichi looked at Naoto for help as he saw Naoto calling another ambulance for Mikey. Naoto doesn't care about Mikey but he wants to torment Mikey that's the whole reason why he is doing this.

"I am truly sorry Takemitchy. My sunshine" Mikey said as Takemichi grabbed his hands and started crying.

"You bastard! How dare you die! You can't die now after all of the things you did! You can't die so easily!hang in there Mikey please" Takemichi started sobbing louder as Naoto walked away to look for the second killer. He ended hates Mikey but some part of him is still in love with Mikey. Living with Mikey is toxic but losing Mikey is something he can't imagine.

"Takemitchy.. before I die..did you ever love me.. please tell me the truth.." Mikey said as his voice cracked. He was tearing up. He didn't wanted to hurt Takemichi. All he ever wanted was making Takemichi happy, making Takemichi his own, growing older together, playing with Emma's child , teasing his friends so much  more. He realized his loneliness and suffering become the suffering of others. He screwed up real bad without even realizing.

Takemichi didn't answer he just cried and cried until Mikey caressed his cheek saying, "my only sunshine in dark..I just wanted to protect you and love you..When did everything go wrong..nee Mitchy.. please visit my grave once in a while..curse me...for everything I did to you.." Mikey spoke crying.

Holding Mikey's hand Takemichi saw the old teenager Mikey laying on the ground instead of adult Mikey. Takemichi tightly held Mikey's hand saying, "You..I have always loved you..if only you didn't hurt me I would never ever left you. Mikey I really liked you". Mikey slightly chuckled as he coughed blood.

"You know.. losing Shini,Emma,Izana made me lose my mind...I thought you will leave me too..I was afraid of you hating me.. Abandoning me..I was afraid of being alone...it's Soo scary and cold and dark...only you gave me the will to live..haha..but look at what I did..I snatched your will to live...I am Soo sorry my Mitchy...my... Takemitchy .." Takemichi's sobbing stopped as he noticed Mikey's hands were getting colder and his eyes were looking lifeless.

Takemichi hugged Mikey's cold body saying, "Mikey I really love you. If we ever live another life I promise  will find you and you will love me without hurting me. Mikey I'm sorry I was selfish and couldn't save you...I left you alone..I love you Mikey!  "

"You are truly my sunshine..I love you too" with that Sano Manjiro aka Mikey saw his siblings waving at him and the all the memories of his past started showing in front of his eyes. He only saw Takemichi in his memories. He regretted dying today without having happy memories. With full of regrets Sano Manjiro aka Mikey he took his last breath.

His body slumped on Takemichi's as he hugged the dead body of his lover whispering, "rest well Mikey Kun". Without even knowing he started sobbing louder.

"Ambulance is here Takemichi!" Naoto stopped in his track as he saw Takemichi crying hugging the dead body of Mikey.

Unlike everyone else Naoto actually knows Takemichi's feelings about Mikey. Everytime Takemichi came from the past he would always talk about Mikey. If Hina wasn't in their life maybe Takemichi would choose Mikey. Naoto sighed seeing his best friend crying he tried to console Takemichi while nurses took Mikey's dead body away from him.
"I can't believe Mikey actually shoot himself..." Koko said to Naoto who sighed saying "yea...but report says he did shoot Inui then himself...I have no idea why.... I'm just worried about Takemichi now.."

"Yeah you heard it right ! Sano Manjiro aka Mikey the national criminal took his own life in front of detective Naoto!!" News reporter said. Takemichi turned off the TV and went back to sleep again. He was sleeping for a week now as Mikey's death shattered him.

2 days later:
"Hey Takemichi!" Inui said sitting up straight in the hospital bed. "You look like shit Takemichi" Inui commented seeing him.
Takemichi chuckled "yeah I do". Takemichi took a seat next to Inui asking, "are you okay?".

"Yeah fine~ totally fine~~" Inui replied sluggishly.

"Fine my ass idiot" Koko barged in the room with white Lilies and some fruits. Takemichi started laughing as Koko sat besides Takemichi. Both Koko and Takemichi started making fun of Inui's eyebags.

"Sheesh you guys im hurt. A little sympathy won't hurt" Inui pouted. Koko blushed slightly as Takemichi noticed. "Well inui I better go. I have some stuff to do" Takemichi said standing up as inui nodded. Takemichi was actually giving Koko space to talk with Inui.

"Koko should confess as fast as possible or these nurses will steal him" Naoto said looking at the nurses peeking at Inui . Takemichi chuckled, "nah I don't think so. Inui is totally in love with Koko". "How do you even know that?" Naoto asked as Takemichi shrugged.


"Yoh!" Takemichi said in a low voice sitting in front of grave all alone.

"How have you been?" Takemichi said leaning head backwards. "You know~Mikey is dead..pfft can you believe that guy actually died?" Takemichi said slightly sighing.

"I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you..Hina"

Takemichi still felt guilty about Hina's death. "Am also sorry for lying to you...I actually liked Mikey .... I  loved him ...... If only I was honest with my feelings this wouldn't happen... Please forgive me Hina.." with that Takemichi put bouquet of red roses over his ex lovers grave.

A/n: okay so first of all :) I'm truly sorry for the delay I recently arrived in Uk and I was struggling with jet lag xD. I'm fine now
I will update as soon as possible
Actually I was planning for 2 endings but recent chapters -_- meh I'm gonna make 3 endings now then I will start editing

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