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"Nah Hana is more like you. You used be a simp for Boss and your wife Meli" Koko said with a wide grin. Sanzu just rolled his eyes as he couldn't deny.

"hmph. Uncle Mikey is old! You should just give up already" Hana said staring at Mikey.
Mikey yelled,"Haaaah?! Who is old? Brat."
Hana rolled her eyes and crossed her arms,"you know you are old. Just hand Takemichi Kun over"

Mikey had enough, he pinched Hana's cheeks and said ,"Brat it's uncle Takemichi. Also I'm not old! I found him first! He is mine"

"Ow..oww" Hana yelled and looked at Sanzu asking for help. Sanzu just grinned at his little girl and ignored her existence saying,"That's what you get for acting like a brat."

Takemichi punched Mikey's head saying "Stop bullying her Manjiro". Mikey looked at him with puppy eyes. Takemichi glared at him. Mikey finally felt betrayed and hide his face in the corner of couch with sad aura around him. Sanzu and Koko just looked at Takemichi with  disbelief in their eyes.

Takemichi handed Hana a plate of peaches and said , "Hana don't disrespect your elders and be a good girl." Hana nodded smilingly  while she started eating. Mikey glared at Hana,hugging Takemichi protectively he  said "Takemichy is mine!".
Takemichi blushed at his lovers foolish behavior. Hana had visible look of disgust in her eyes as she spoke,"Sure we will see".

They were about to get into another staring contest as Sanzu coughed gaining attention from them. Mikey looked at Sanzu and nodded. He placed a soft kiss on Takemichi's cheek. Glared at Hana again and left the room. Takemichi just sighed at childish Mikey.

Mikey followed them to the rooftop and looked at Koko and Sanzu as they were staring at him. Mikey asked ,"did you kill them?". Sanzu nodded while Koko said ,"Yes boss. We got the stuff back."
Mikey  looked at Sanzu and said ,"Okay. Don't bring gang stuff in our reunion again." Sanzu nodded.

Mikey was about to left when Koko asked,"Boss.."

Mikey :"hm?"

Koko: "Is he okay..now? "

Mikey : "Takemichy?"

Koko : "yeah... doctor sa-"

Mikey: "He is fine and so am I. Don't talk about this stuff again Koko"

Koko : "Sorry boss.. I will keep that in mind".

Mikey left and Sanzu leaned back at railing saying," you shouldn't ask Koko." Koko just laughed and nodded.

6years ago:
Because of the over dose of 'A' type drugs Takemichi lost most of his memories. Mikey took the opportunity and rewrite his memories with fake memory. For some reason Takemichi trusted Mikey's every word. He never met up with his old friends or his own family again. Mikey lied to him saying he was Takemichi's boyfriend. He didn't lock him up anymore. Takemichi was staying in Mikey's room . They were dating like a normal couple.
Only Sanzu and Koko was allowed to talk to him. Sometimes Haitani brothers and Senju would talk to him too but they had to talk precisely.

A few months later
After Senju's marriage with Rindou Takemichi decided to propose Mikey too. Mikey was really happy and he agreed.  They were getting ready for their future. Mikey brought a island for Takemichi and they were planning to stay there after marriage.

1year later Sanzu also married someone named Meli. Unlike Senju , Sanzu married her because he wanted. Though Senju and Rindou had arranged marriage still they were happy. After Sanzu's marriage Takemichi and Mikey married too.

Right after marriage Mikey and Takemichi moved to island. Only trusted members were allowed to see them on the island. Mikey left his position to Senju to protect Takemichi from other gang's. They were happy .

Present time:
Takemichi was sleeping on the couch with Hana in his lap. Mikey saw them and chuckled. He picked up Hana and gently put her on the other couch. He slept on Takemichi's lap and fall asleep.

Mikey never regretted anything he did to Takemichi.

His obsession for Takemichi started when,
He saw Takemichi in the kindergarten fighting older kids. He fall for him that day. When he met Takemichi again in the middle school he wanted to pursue Takemichi but his heart broke when he saw him with Hina. He saw the happiness in Takemichi's eyes and decided to leave him alone by burying his feelings. But he couldn't , jealousy took over him to the point he threatened Hina to break up with him. But Hina didn't and he gave up on his feelings again. Day after day he was lost in the darkness. He left empty inside him. When he saw Takemichi and Hina's wedding on the news. He had enough. He planned everything from kidnapping him to possessing him completely.
When Takemichi lost his memories Mikey was happy. But sometimes Takemichi would get dreams about his past. He would ask Mikey about those dreams. Mikey panicked a lot. He asked the doctor what was going on doctors told him Takemichi might get his memory back if he doesn't take the drug regularly that's when he planned to buy a island and stay away from everyone.
He would mix drugs in Takemichi's food from time to time.

In a normal person's eyes this was completely abnormal and inhuman behavior. But for Mikey he was living the dream. Even if it was just drugs confusing Takemichi, still he had Takemichi's love. He was beyond happy.

But there is always another side of the story.  None was prepared for the future that Takemichi was planning for.

Author: don't take any ideas from this -_-. Locking up your lover, brainwashing them and drugging them is the most stupidest thing one can do to his/her lover. If they don't love back just leave them alone and find someone new like Sanzu. Or get arrange marriage like Senju, Rindou. Also I might write a story about Senju Rindou and Sanzu Meli after I finish this one. 

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