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Koko: wait what? Why!?

Sanzu: shush kokonut. Lemme talk.

Kakucho: Takemichi you aren't safe with Naoto. You aren't safe in Japan anymore. We booked a ticket for you and a nice place in USA. You need to move out of Japan as soon as possible.

Takemichi: what the fuck are you talking about? Move out? Not safe? USA?

Sanzu: don't freak out. Mikey escaped from the jail last week.


Sanzu: I went to meet up with him 2weeks ago in disguise. I wanted to see his despaired and depressed expression.

Inui: disgusting freak.

Not only Inui everyone in the room looked at Sanzu with disbelief and disgust on their face.

Sanzu: shut up kokonut-sitter. Let me finish my story.

Inui: yea sure.

Takemichi: yea speak.

Sanzu: So when I met him, he was quiet happy and cheerful like he was in middle school. He was talking to me normally as if we were highschool girls.

Takemichi: is he high? Or am I high?

Takemichi asked not believing him and pointed at Sanzu as Rindou shaked his head.

Sanzu: He told me he was going out of jail soon and once he gets out he was going to capture you. He asked me to pass this message to you. I thought he was spouting nonsense so I didn't believe him but...

Rindou: he escaped last week and he was apparently spotted in your town 2days ago. We tried to look for him even Kakucho came back from abroad to catch him.

Kakucho: judging from his twisted mind, I think it's best for you to leave this country and live a peaceful life Takemichi.

Takemichi: hm~? Okh is that all? If yes then I'm leaving. Let's to Inui,Koko.

Sanzu: wait take your ticket and pack your bags. Your flight is tomorrow evening.

Takemichi: no need. I'm not leaving.

Kakucho: what!?
Rindou: what!?

Takemichi: look I don't care if you are feeling guilty now and want to help me. I am done with all of this. I'm tired of hiding. I don't want to leave this city. If Mikey finds me I will deal with him myself. I'm not thankful for what you have done now since you are doing this to reduce your guilt.


Rindou: yes you are right! But do you seriously want to stay here knowing Mikey can catch you anytime and lock you up again?

Kakucho: memory will fade Takemichi. You need to survive first. Once we capture Mikey, we will bring you back.

Takemichi: no thanks. I made my decision. Thanks for saving Inui even though you were the one to capture him. Pass my Thanks to Senju for helping me. Except Senju and Hana I don't want to meet any of you.

Sanzu: ah.. I will...

Rindou: Wait Takemichi.. Mikey is really dangerous.. are you sure!??

Takemichi: Yes I am. Naoto said you guys promised to live a normal life, please do live and ignore me like you used to in the past. Don't 'worry' about me and don't find me again. I will be leaving now.

Takemichi left with Inui and Koko. He was feeling sick looking at the faces of the people who once mocked him and ignored his cry of help. Also he was scared hearing the news of Mikey. He doesn't know what to do anymore. Just when he thought he was going to live a normal life, Mikey came back to his life again. It's as if destiny tied their fate together or Mikey tied their fate together.

"Are you okay?" Inui asked as they were in Koko's car. Koko was driving, Inui sat beside him in the front seat leaving Takemichi in the backseat.

"Yeah..I am..." Takemichi smiled a bit. "Don't worry I will protect you this time Takemichi" Inui assured Takemichi as Koko added,"we will"

Naoto was still sleeping so he didn't know anything about it. Takemichi begged Koko and Inui not to tell him as he didn't wanted Naoto to worry about him. Thankfully Naoto had extra rooms in his apartment and Inui slept there. Although he didn't actually sleep.. he had nightmares.

Next morning Koko and Inui convinced Naoto that Inui was found in a hospital and they didn't get in any trouble.

Sitting on the table Koko asked Inui, "are you okay ?did you sleep well..?"

Inui tried to hide his eye bags under his bangs and replied,  "yeah~ I'm totally fine".

"Fine!? You call that fine!? Look at your eyes. It seems like you have been awake for a decade" Naoto said almost yelling at Inui. He was worried about Inui. Actually anyone and everyone related to Takemichi was his priority now. Also he was worried about Mikey's sudden disappearance.

"Yeah Inui you look like shit" Takemichi said looking at Inui. Inui just sighed, he didn't wanted anyone to know to his traumatized past. Also he didn't wanted to add more problems in Takemichi's life.

"I'm really fine." Inui said as Takemichi sighed, "Inui I will wait until you are ready to talk."

Inui was touched, he didn't utter a single word about his distress. Even Koko didn't suspect Inui still Takemichi saw right through him. Inui smiled a little and nodded.

After eating breakfast Naoto went to his office as Koko went to look for a job, Decent one. He wasn't obsessed with money anymore, he wanted to live a normal life with Inui now.

Once Koko and Naoto left the house, Takemichi and Inui sat on the couch watching the news.


"Citizens please call police upon seeing him"

"Haaah... He really did" Takemichi sighed. "yea no doubt about that now" Inui added. Takemichi turned off the TV and looked at Inui. Inui tried to avoid eye contact but failed miserably.

Takemichi: Inui.. are you Okay?

Inui: yes I am..Fine

Takemichi: Those eyes bags and bruises says something else. Did Sanzu did that to you?

Inui: huh.. what? No no... He didn't

Takemichi: then was it Mikey..?

Inui: you said you would give me time...Yea Mikey did that. He is crazy. Stay away from him Takemichi.

Takemichi: but why would he do that to you you weren't even associated with him.

Inui: I once joked about stealing you from toman. He kept a grudge against me ever since then... Haha ... Forget it..

Takemichi just couldn't believe his ears. Just for a joke he kept Inui locked up for 5years and beat him up so bad. He knows Mikey is obsessed over him but he never thought Mikey's obsession started from his teenage years. He regretted not expressing his feelings to Mikey in his teenage years. If he had dumped Hina and accepted his feelings for Mikey, maybe everything would be different. Maybe none of this would have happened. He was feeling guilty but some part of him was happy knowing Mikey had loved him for a long time. Takemichi mentally slapped him thinking how could he be happy thinking about Mikey.

"I am losing my mind too .." Takemichi said looking outside the window.

"Why? Aren't you happy now?" Someone said.

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