Invasion of Limbo

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Zolzar: The necromancer faced the entrance to Limbo frowning.  "White wings reside in there" he muttered.  "But Lucifer ended up there too... That wasn't my aim".   He exhaled before concentrating and summoning an army of the dead.  They awaited his orders as he prepped himself.  " Didn't think I'd head into a place I learned to loath ".  He then heard something close by making him look a certain direction.  "Who's there?" He asked. 

Lilith: Lucifer has been hunting her for years.   He devoted helping someone... A survivor from her onslaught.  The demon princess growled as she was close to the realm entrance.  "I know Lucifer won't give up.... But seems I'd have to violate some laws" she said.  Before entering though she heard talking and the sound of dark magic nearby which perked her curiosity.  She decided to go check it out and gasped seeing an army of undead... And a black wing reaper.  *"No...way...a necromancer?"* she said to herself.  However she accidentally caused a noise which made the reaper look in her direction, except she was still mainly hidden so he couldn't fully see her. 

"Who's there?" Asked the reaper.  Lilith gulped frozen in place as she contemplated revealing herself or not.  However when she used her power it revealed this necromancer was the sole survivor from the borderland genocide she caused.  *"Ok, much as I could try to deceive.... He might still know it's me, I'm not stepping in with him"* she said to herself taking a logical approach.  She quickly stepped away and went through the realm entrance herself.  She shivered immediately the moment she entered Limbo and hid nearby.  "We'll both get Lucifer" she muttered.  Lilith coughed a bit hating the weather in Limbo. 

Zolzar: The reaper scoffed not seeing anything.  "Chicken" he muttered.  He got the army ready and they immediately charged into Limbo for an invasion.  He growled noticing Lucifer facing all of them.  "Lucifer?" He asked.  "Out of the way you old man!" He snapped.  Lucifer held a black and red sword facing the army.  "I MΔΨ βΣ ΩLD.... βUT I'M ΠΩT DΣΔD ΨΣT" he growled.

Back to full scene: "I'M ΠΩT SURΣ ШHΔT HΔPPΣΠΣD TΩ ΨΩU ZΩLZΔR, βUT I'M GΩIΠG TΩ ШΔҜΣ ΨΩU UP" added Lucifer.  Zolzar chuckled evilly.  "You alone versus me and them, I see who wins here" added Zolzar.  Lucifer went into action fighting the army and Zolzar with Zolzar and the undead army fighting.  *"HΣLP ΩR ΠΩT... I ШILL ҒIGHT "* added Lucifer to himself.   

(A/n: This chapter and next chapter are linked.   Lilith will get in to join the battle.  Hence why the next chapter is called Lucifer's solo stand.  It's gonna get worse before it gets better.  Anyway hence no photo but enjoy).  

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