School of Corruption

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(I don't own any photos. Originals are to source except any Gacha pics. In between point before Zolzar attacks hell but after Lucifer saves him).

After Lucifer dropped off Zolzar at the school the kid was met by Leviathan, one of the seven sins. "Who are you?" Asked Leviathan. "Why are you covered in blood?". Zolzar whimpered and explained what happened to him and who he was which led to Leviathan in shock. "Very well, let's get you in new clothes and if the king himself wants you to follow your mom's footsteps here let's get you in classes" he said. He got Zolzar in a dorm room. "Thanks... But clothes?" Asked Zolzar. "One of the servants will bring by new clothes for you to wear and we'll get the blood stained ones cleaned" added Leviathan.

Zolzar nodded thanking him before Leviathan left. He sighed finding the bed in the room and sat on it waiting. The whole incident disturbed him, but if this can help him be like his mom he's up for it. A servant soon entered revealing a kitsune female who handed over fresh clothing to Zolzar. "Thanks" he said nervous as he took them. However, instead of leaving the kitsune gently held Zolzar on the shoulders. "Listen close.... Keep yourself aware here, Leviathan may be the headmaster here, but he's not himself and what he has can affect students by their negative energy". " Wait.... What do you mean? " asked Zolzar confused.

"As you stay here to learn and grow strong please don't let Leviathan sense your negative energy from your trauma, whatever is harming him.... Will be used on you" warned the kitsune before leaving quickly and shut the door. A confused Zolzar stood there blinking before shaking it off and got himself changed into the clean clothes. He picked up his blood stained ones after frowning. "Now where am I supposed to leave these to get cleaned?" He asked. As if on cue a portal appeared on one of his walls with the words laundry room travel above it. "That's... Not ominous" added Zolzar with a bit of sarcasm before he sent the blood stained clothing through the portal. It shut right after startling him. "I'm both impressed and scared" he said.

Once he got started in classes Zolzar was met with some who wanted to comfort him and others who bullied him. "Heard the demon princess was around you, did you run to mommy and daddy?" One bully said. "Pipe down, the new kid has been through a traumatic ordeal!" snapped a different student. Zolzar sighed hearing everyone around him. He thought to himself "I'm doing this for you mom". However he couldn't shake Sarita's warning about how he'll lose his way for a while, and the kitsune servant who warned about the school. *" Who do I believe? "* muttered Zolzar to himself. On entry by the teacher he devoted himself to learning Necromancy.

Flash forward to Leviathan planning his escape: The headmaster tried destroying the pendant with no luck. "No no the evil has held too long, I got to get away". He could heard flapping wings coming at him fast. " He's coming, I ....I have no choice ". Quickly grabbing a spell book Leviathan opened it to a certain spell labeled under dangerous use with caution. " I got to cast this one ". The demon soon started chanting the spell before he disappeared into orbs and vanished. The door burst open revealing a grown up Zolzar, completely turned into a black wing reaper.

He gasped when he was met with an empty office. " GONE?!". "NO I NEED TO FIND LILITH!". Zolzar growled as he destroyed the place. " fine.... I'll find the answer another way". He flew off.

(A/n. It has come to my attention that this chapter was needed as an in between of how point A lead to point B. So basically here you are. Enjoy the chapter).

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