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We spent the next couple days hanging out with Colby's family.

It was an overall amazing time and Nova and Luna enjoyed seeing their grandparents, aunt, and uncle.

When we got home we fell back into our normal routine. Before we knew it I was 8 months pregnant and we were scrambling to get things ready for our son.

I was going to see Amy every week to keep testing for pre eclampsia. I've been lucky since I haven't been diagnosed with it.

Amy however did prescribe me with medications to lower my blood pressure since it was always high.

Colby was still figuring things out with Sam about what they were going to about YouTube. For now they were just posting random videos and reaction videos to keep engagement up.

A couple weeks ago we moved the twins to their new room downstairs. It was emotional for me but the girls were so excited to be able to decorate their room.

Right now we were at the hardware store getting stuff for their room as well as stuff for the nursery.

"What do you think, pink or purple?" Colby asked and held up two paint swatches. "Pink!!!" Nova and Luna cheered at the same time.

"Thank god you guys agreed." I said with a laugh as I rubbed my belly.

"I love pink." Nova said as Luna nodded. "Pink is soooo cool." She said while Colby went to get the paint mixed.

"What color do you think we should paint baby brothers room?" I asked and looked at the paint swatches.

"What's baby brother's name?" Luna asked as I shrugged. "We haven't figured it out yet." I said with a sigh.

Colby and I have been so busy and so overwhelmed with getting things ready for the baby that we still haven't even talked about a name yet.

I felt like a bad mom because we had a name picked out for the twins almost immediately. I just wanted this name to be perfect for our little guy.

"Green." Nova said as I nodded. "Maybe we can do like a woodland theme?" I suggested as they nodded.

"That would be cool!!" Nova said as Colby walked over to us again. "What's cool?" He asked with a smile.

"Doing a woodland theme for the nursery." I as the baby kicked in my stomach.

"Oof-" I grunted and put my hand on my belly. "You okay" Colby asked as I nodded. "Yeah, I think he likes the idea." I said and rubbed the spot he kicked.

"I like it, too." He said with a smile. "Then it's settled, woodland theme for our little guy." I said and grabbed some paint swatches.

We spent the next hour or so picking out stuff we would need then we made our way back home.

"Are you gonna paint our room, daddy?" Nova asked as we made our way inside. "I don't think today but maybe this weekend, would that be okay?" He asked as she nodded.

"I'm excited!" She said and jumped up and down. "You know what will make you more excited? Pizza for dinner." I said and waddled over to the couch.

"Pizza!!" Nova and Luna squealed and jumped up and down. "Alright jumping beans, go play for a little bit, we'll get you when pizza is here." Colby said as they giggled and ran to their room.

I sighed and leaned my head back, looking at him. "You look exhausted." He said with a laugh as I nodded.

"I am and my feet are killing me." I said as he frowned. "Well, let me help with that." He said and sat next to me, pulling my legs into his lap.

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