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It's been a couple days since Colby and I got back from our trip.

Today we were going to our appointment with Amy to talk about the pre eclampsia scare.

"Ready to go, babe?" Colby asked as I finished brushing my teeth. "Yeah, did you call the office to tell her we don't know the gender yet?" I asked and wiped my mouth with a towel.

"Yeah. She knows and is going to keep it a secret." Colby said as I nodded.

"I hope the appointment doesn't run too long, we have to pick up the girls soon." I said and looked at my phone.

"We'll make it. She said it'll be quick. We're just gonna talk then she's gonna take your blood and urine again. You didn't eat did you?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Nope. I'm starving though so we better go." I said as he pursed his lips.

"Yeah, you're kinda scary when you're hungry." Colby said as we made our way to the car.

"Yes, and thats why we need to especially hurry. I need to eat before we pick up our sweet girls." I said then got in the car.

"I will make sure you eat." Colby said as I nodded. "Good boy." I said and ruffled his hair causing him to laugh.

"Dork." He said then started the car. We drove for a while before we got to the doctors office.

"Alright. Let's do this. I want a cheeseburger so bad." I said and got out of the car.

"That's what you want?" Colby asked as we made our way inside. "Yep. A burger with fries and a milkshake." I said as he nodded.

"Sounds good." He said as we walked up to the desk. We checked in then sat down in the waiting area before a nurse came out to get us.

She took my vitals then sent Amy in. "Hey guys! How was your trip?" She asked and winked at me. "It was beautiful. Thanks for letting us go." I said with a smile.

"Hey, it's what I do." She said with a grin then sat down.

"So we need to talk about something scary." Amy said as I frowned. "I don't want you to worry, Violet. It'll only make things worse if you do." She said as Colby took my hand, squeezing it.

"You're not far along enough to even truly get pre eclampsia but it's something we seriously need to watch out for. If you get it then it could put you and your baby at risk and we don't want to do that." Amy said as I nodded.

"I'm gonna have you come in weekly to do blood and urine tests. I know it's hard with your schedule but I want to make sure we are monitoring this correctly." Amy explained as I rubbed my belly.

"If you get diagnosed there are options." Amy explained with a nod. "Any questions?" She asked and looked at Colby and I.

"What are the treatments?" I asked as she sighed. "Depending on how bad, we'll either do an oral prescription or have you come in for IV treatments. There's a chance at an early delivery so just keep that in mind." She said as I nodded.

"If she gets it will she die?" Colby asked as Amy shook her head. "We're ahead of the curve. We'll know how to treat it before it even gets here. Again, it could not even happen! We're just staying proactive." Amy said as I nodded.

"Proactive is good." I said as Colby kissed my head. "Now that the scary part is over, let's get you started on your tests." Amy said then handed me the plastic cup.

I went and did both my urine and blood tests then went to the waiting room where Colby was waiting.

"Ready?" I asked as he nodded. "What's wrong?" I asked as he sighed. "It scares me, V." He said quietly and took my hand. "I know. It scares me too but we're gonna get through it. I promise." I said as we made our way out of the building and to our car.

"Yeah, I guess I just don't want you to be so stressed out. I feel helpless on the outside." Colby said as I frowned.

"I know. You do a great job though and this is just a little hiccup. We're gonna be okay." I said and rubbed my belly.

"You're right." He said then opened my door so I could get in the car. "Let's get you a cheeseburger." He said then closed the door and walked around to get in the drivers side.

We drove to In n out and got me a burger, fries, and a strawberry milkshake. We then made our way to the school so we could get the twins.

"I think we should get them cute outfits for tomorrow." I said and drank my milkshake. "Yeah? Like what?" Colby asked as I shrugged.

"Something pink or blue. Gotta fit the theme." I said and started to get out of the car. "Yeah, we can take them shopping today." He said with a smile.

"They'll be excited." I said as the front doors opened. "Hi, girls!" I said with a wide smile as they ran out of the building and towards us.

"Hi, mommy." Nova said and gave me a hug. "Hi, love. How was school?" I asked and took her backpack from her.

"It was good. I'm sleepy." She said and rubbed her eye. "Oh, Colby." I said and looked at Colby. "We can't go shopping, Nova is sleepy." I said causing Nova to perk up.

"Shopping?!" She asked as I nodded. "I wanna go shopping." Luna said quietly as Colby got her situated in her car seat.

"I wanna go shopping, too!" Nova said with a vigorous nod as I got her buckled in.

"You sure? We don't have to shop for outfits for tomorrow." I said as they both shook their heads. "We want to look pretty!" Nova said as Luna giggled.

"You girls are always pretty." Colby said with a small smile. "We got it from mommy." Nova said as Luna nodded.

"Yeah, mommy is pretty." Luna said as I giggled. "Daddy is pretty, too." I said then stood up straight so I could get in the car.

"What color do you girls want to wear tomorrow? Blue or pink?" I asked as Colby started driving to the store.

"What color are you wearing?" Luna asked as I looked back at them. "I'm wearing white I think. I don't know what daddy is wearing." I said and looked at Colby.

"Probably white." He said with a shrug. "I wanna wear pink." Nova said as Luna giggled. "I wanna wear blue." Luna said as I nodded.

"Sounds like a plan. You can change it at any time." I said and turned forwards.

When we got to the store we got the girls out of the car and made our way inside.

"Okay, what are you guys thinking? Dresses?" Colby asked as Luna squeezed my hand tightly.

It hurt my heart that she was still anxious to be in public but she was always such a trooper.

"Dresses." Nova said as Luna nodded. "You said you wanted to wear blue, bug?" I asked as she nodded. "Light blue." She said quietly.

"Well let's see what they got." I said and walked towards the dresses.

"What about...this one." I said and pulled out a blue and white dress. "Hmm..I like this one." She said and pointed to a different one on the rack.

It was light blue on top with a white bow and a light pink skirt.

"That's perfect! Good eye, Luna." I said and pulled it out. "Woooahhh, sissy can I wear that, too?" Nova asked as I held it up.

"Yeah, we can match!" Luna said with a bright smile. "I think it's perfect, guys. You nailed it." Colby said with a grin.

"We're gonna be so pretty!" Nova said as she took the dress and hugged it tightly to her body. "Yeah, you're always the prettiest girls at the party." I said and smoothed their curls down.

It made me so happy that they were getting excited about this pregnancy. I loved seeing them so happy.

It was hard to think about the traumas that they have endured recently but it always amazed me how quickly they would bounce back.

They were the strongest little girls I knew.

I knew they were going to teach the baby in my belly how to be strong and how to be kind to a world that was sometimes mean to them.

They truly were going to be the best big sisters in the whole world.

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