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Colby's POV

Violet spent the next couple days in the hospital so she could be observed. After the first 24 hours of being there she was able to sleep but it was terrifying for me.

I begged her to just stay awake a little bit longer on that first night but she was so tired that she couldn't do it.

I ended up staying up, just watching her. I was scared I would lose her or that she wouldn't wake up but it ended up being okay.

When she woke up she was still in a lot of pain but in a much better mood.

We weren't going to be able to fly back to LA for probably a couple weeks which was hard because the girls have been asking for us.

Luckily Sam was able to get an Airbnb for that time though so we would at least be able to stay at the same place the whole time we were here.

Today Violet was going to go through a couple of tests to make sure she was okay to go to the Airbnb.

"Okay, Violet. Are you ready to try and walk for us?" The physical therapist, Sarah, asked as Violet shook her head.

I felt so bad for her because she still had to wear a neck and back brace but she was being such a trooper about it.

"It's gonna hurt." Violet mumbled as I took her hands, helping her turn so her legs would dangle off of the bed.

"Yeah, but Colby is gonna support you and he isn't gonna let you fall. Right, Colby?" Sarah asked and looked at me.

"Right." I said then smiled reassuringly at Violet. "Come on, love." I said then squeezed her hands so she would try to stand.

I watched as her face scrunched with pain while she shakily stood up.

"Oh, god." She whimpered with tears in her eyes. "You're good. You're okay. I've got you." I said quietly.

"Okay, Violet. Try to take one big step." Sarah said then stepped next to so then when Violet took a step back she could go behind her.

Violet closed her eyes then took a step with her right foot, causing her to cry out in pain.

"I know...I know." I said quietly and rubbed her knuckles with my thumbs. 

"Can we stop?" Violet whimpered as she looked up at me. I wanted desperately to take away the pain from her and to just collect her in my arms.

I knew that if I were to do that she would just be in more pain.

"You can do this, Violet. You're stronger than this, I believe in you." I said gently. Violet sighed then put most of her weight on me so she could take a step forwards.

Once she took the step she let out a deep breath. "The first step is the hardest. Just trust that the brace is going to support you. I know it hurts but try to push through." Sarah explained and stepped behind Violet.

Violet nodded slightly then closed her eyes. "You can do this." I encouraged then held her hands tightly.

I watched as her face turned to one of extreme concentration as she brought her other foot forward, taking another step.

"That was amazing!" I said as she opened her eyes. "I did it?" She asked causing me to smile. "Yes, baby girl. You did it." I said as she sighed. "I thought I imagined it." She said quietly.

"Nope, you did it. Try one more step." Sarah said then hovered her hands around Violet to make sure she wouldn't fall.

We spent the next hour or so walking around the room. It was the last step that Violet had to take before she was able to be discharged so they had to make sure she was strong enough.

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