Chapter two ( Meeting)

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🖤 Chapter 2 🖤

- you know that you can learn right? It is not that difficult.  A bit but you are young. You can learn like everyone.

Taehyung sighed and began to swip the floor slowly. Jimin was too persistent.

Tae: I don't have skills for that okay?  And I am not young anymore. I mean, I am 29 years old and I have a child. That is too late for me. How am I supposed to study again at this age??  Mhm?  I have too much things to do in my life Jimin.

JM: You are really stressing me out. Yeri is still with Eun-ho right? 

Tae: Ya.

JM: what?  I am just telling the truth. I will help you. Copywrittng is a very good job. And you are good at persuading people. You also have good writing skills. He said crossing his arms.

Taehyung raised his eyes at his bestfriend and frowned his eyebrows.

Tae: and may I know where you got this brand new information?

JM: I know you did it in highschool. Why didn't you continue?

Tae: Because I was better at volleyball than at writing. That was my choice. Now, yeah. Maybe I have some regrets but, I won't waste my time learning another thing. I am already busy.

Jimin just gave up. Taehyung was really frustrating him sometimes. It's been a while now that he tried to persuade the boy to join his publishing company. But nothing to do.

JM: So you will stay as a waiter all your life?

Tae: they pay me well and..

JM: Lie.

Tae: Jimin. Can you stop please?

JM: I am just worried for you. He finally confessed lowering his head.

Tae: You don't have to.

JM: I know Yeri is with eun-ho because of your money problems.

Tae: Hah.....

He patted Jimin's shoulder gently and caressed his hair.

Tae: I am fine.. And yeri, she will come back soon.. She is just with him for a short time..

JM: what are you going to do if he asks for her full custody?

Taehyung just smiled to reassure the boy.

Tae: well... I don't think he will do that.. Eun-ho might be a jerk but he knows how much I love my daughter..

JM: He is an unpredictable Bastard.

Tae: shhhhhh. Whatever. It will never happen. So!  You should now go back to work. You must be very busy. Don't waste your time with me here.

JM: mmmm. Let's see each other later. When you get off of work. Okay?  I will treat you a delicious dinner.

Tae: You are doing it all the time. It will offend me if you continue to do that. It's me who will invite you this time. Okay?

jimin chuckled and nodded by his head.

JM: Okay. Let's do that. See you later.
Tae: Bye.

JM: Bye bye!

Tae: mmmm! What would I do if you were not there Jimin...

- Taehyung

Tae: Yeah. I am coming.

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