Chapter 73: "Phase Two"

Start from the beginning

"Ready Michael?" asked Freddy on the Communicator

"Ready," Michael responded on the Communicator

"Everyone ready?" asked Freddy

"We have trouble! I detect multiple signals!" exclaimed Duality. "Location?! How many?!" asked Mangle. Duality didn't need to answer as I could see an entire unit of endoskeletons walking down the street from where the pizzeria was, all turning at once towards us. Of course I was the one who was basically taking point who would be the easy target. "Son of a bitch," I said. "You got that right. That's a lot of them. Stick to the plan," said Freddy. "Nothing we can't handle," said Mangle as she looked at me. "Bonnie. You know what to do." "With pleasure boss," I said as I grabbed the Disrupter that was stored in my back. I aimed it at the group of endoskeletons, awaiting for the order to strike first.

"Begin Phase Two!"

As soon as the words were spoken I shot an electric blast aimed at the closet endoskeleton in the front, hitting it directly in a second. He spasmed out for a moment before falling to the ground; completely deactivated from the shot. I moved forward as Michael followed behind with the car, as everyone else shot Shadow Beams at the enemy. The endoskeletons aimed their arms at us, shooting their lasers back at us. I summoned a Shadow Shield, as some of the lasers hit my shield and others flew past me that were aimed at everyone else. "I detect new signals behind us! It's Nightmare, Ennard, Golden Freddy, and RXQ! As well as the remaining Phantom, Nightmare, and Twisted Animatronics!" spoke Duality's voice. "I see them!" exclaimed Freddy behind us. I looked to the left side of me for a moment, confirming his warning as I could see a glimpse of Nightmare, Twisted Chica, Nightmare Mangle, and Nightmare Freddy, though that was about it. I'm sure the rest of them were out of my view. They were close and seemed to be making their way towards us. They were going to box us in from both sides. Unfortunately for them we were only going forward, and going backwards wasn't in the agenda. 

"Bonnie, now's not the time to get distracted!" exclaimed Michael through the Communicator. "Not my problem with this many enemies," I said to myself as I got rid of my shield and shot a couple Shadow Beams back at the endoskeletons before summoning the shield back. The endoskeletons continued to march towards, us, as we slowly made our way towards them. Finally somebody's Shadow Beam managed to hit one of the endoskeletons arms, which knocked it's left one completely off. Still we hadn't been able to knock down any more besides the one I shot with the Disruptor, and I only had one shot left before I had to swap out the batteries. "Our drone is inbound," said Duality's voice. I quickly turned to the sound of the drone loaded with the mini gun, as it hovered over our car prepared to fire. It shot immediately at the endoskeletons in front of us, as they tried their best to defend themselves by moving out of the way or firing back at the drone. I could hear Freddy fighting the rest of William's minions behind the car, as I stayed focused on the battle in front of me. It was hard to ignore what was happening behind me with shots being fired and the sound of fighting, not because I wanted to see how the situation was but to see how Freddy was dealing with the enemy. He had being training this whole week and also had the full percentage of the Resurrection Power; it was a matter of what he was capable of. One of the endoskeletons chest was hit where it was holding its power, as the area around the endoskeletons was consumed by a purple explosion of power. That wasn't enough to stop the endoskeletons to continue marching towards us. As the explosion cleared as I could see a couple endoskeletons on the ground in pieces that had been consumed in the blast, though some stood up now that had managed to evade the blast. Suddenly Ennard appeared in front of the endoskeletons, staring at me intensely as I could feel the aura of evil from him. To think he had taken so many lives; Springbonnie and Bon Bon included. One way or another, whether by me or someone else, he would burn in hell along with Michael's father. He deserved that much for what he's done. Suddenly the endoskeletons walked further where they were at Ennard's side, before he and the one's at his side ran towards the car. "Ennard's charging the front with a squad!" I exclaimed on the Communicator. "I'll assist you!" called Mangle to the right side of the car. I quickly shot a couple Shadow Blasts at the enemy, while Mangle did the same on the right side of the car. All our shots were evaded by the endoskeletons and Ennard, as he charged straight for me. He lunged at me and attempted to strike me with his wires, as I quickly blocked his attack with a Shadow Shield. Mangle shot a couple times in an attempt to hit Ennard, or at least drive his attention away from me. He dodged all her shots and attempted to run at her, as I quickly tried to punch him. He blocked my attack with his wires and wrapped them around me, before I quickly aimed my arm that was holding the Disrupter and took a shot at him. It was pointless as he managed to dodge the attack, though it allowed me to pull my arm away from his wires, as I managed to shoot at it with a Shadow beam. I was only able to shoot a piece of wire off, as he unwrapped them once he determined what I was doing. He disappeared as I barely managed to block a strike to the face from a endoskeleton with a Shadow Shield. It attempted to stab me again with it's blade, as I attempted to kick it back while it aimed its arm with its laser at me. I quickly punched the endoskeleton's arm, as it shot at the ground before I quickly pushed it to the ground. I quickly opened my back side for storage and grabbed two new batteries and closed it before opening the bottom part of the Disruptor. The endoskeleton attempted to fire at me, as I had to kick its arm again to allow me to swap out the batteries. I pulled out the old batteries and put in the new one's and closed the case protecting them, having to dodge a blast that flew past my head. I aimed the Disruptor at the endoskeleton getting ready to strike me, as I managed to shoot it and short circuit the thing. I didn't even a moment to relax as I had to raise up my shield again to block incoming lasers. "Incoming from the right side!" called Foxy. I quickly turned to the sight of Nightmare Balloon Boy, Phantom Mangle, and about five endoskeletons with the both of them emerging from the side of the streets, running towards Mangle and Foxy. Chaos wasn't even enough to describe just how deep we were in this battle: bullets falling on the ground from the drone laying fire wherever the hell it could, explosions in front of me from the endoskeletons that had managed to get hit, and the sight of the enemy that clearly outnumbered us a hundred to eight of us. It was intense, nothing any of us had ever experienced before. This was what war was, a dirty mess of one side versus the other. This what we were prepared for, what I knew I was getting into when I agreed to take part in this battle and this war for this world. To give my life the meaning I've sought for so long. I was staring right at it. I shot a couple Shadow Beams while trying to block the incoming fury of lasers, hitting nothing as all the endoskeletons extended out their blades with Nightmare Balloon Boy having his claws out on the right side. Mangle summoned her baton and blocked Nightmare Balloon Boy's attack, while Foxy blocked the endoskeletons attacks as well as Phantom Mangle. Some of the endoskeletons that were with Ennard before ran at me as one of them struck my shield, followed by two other endoskeletons with their blades out charging me from the sides. I quickly got rid of my shield and summoned a grenade and threw it on the ground near all three of them, as they all jumped back to avoid it. The grenade went off and exploded, as I shot multiple Shadow Beams where they were with the smoke of the blast blocking their views. The purple smoke of the grenade cleared as I could see the endoskeletons getting back up and ready to strike again. I had to summon a shield again to block more lasers from the endoskeleton army, which were still walking towards the car and was about over half the distance between us and where the pizzeria was. The three endoskeletons started to walked in front of the rest as three more grouped up before they all charged at me together now, ready to strike. This was not getting any easier. The endoskeletons paired off into twos to rush from the left, middle, and right, pressuring me from all sides. The problem was that I couldn't take them out by hitting their chest where their power was, or else I would destroy myself and possibly the car. Ranged attacks weren't also going to work since they were going for close range attacks, which I wasn't suitable for. All I had to work with was my skills and Mangle's advice I had learned from her. All the endoskeletons got ready to strike me from all sides, as I deactivated my shield right when they were about to strike it. I jumped back on the hood of the car, as all the endoskeletons missed with their attacks. I shot multiple Shadow Beams at their heads, as I missed all of them by the endoskeletons dodging my attacks. However one of the endoskeletons got their legs ran over by the car, giving me the opportunity to lunged at it. We both fell to the ground as I quickly shot a couple Shadow Beams at its head, destroying it for good. I turned around and ducked my head to avoid a swung from the blade of another endoskeleton, as I grabbed its blade and ripped it out before swiping it at its head. It dodged the attack as two endoskeletons swung their blades at me, which I was able to block with the blade I had stolen. The endoskeleton that I had stole its blade from back up and aimed its remaining arm with its laser pointed at me. I quickly ran at it and kick it in the face, finally stabbing the blade through its head as it collapsed onto the ground. The remaining four endoskeletons that were fighting me ran at me now, as I had to put up my shield to block their attacks and more incoming attacks from the army endoskeletons. Suddenly from the left side where Lefty was Nightmarionne, Nightmare Bonnie, and more endoskeletons emerged from the alleyway and ran towards her, leaving her to defend herself. The drone that had been firing at the endoskeletons, which had taken out a decent amount of them, turned towards where Lefty was and fired on the enemy at her side. All of them, including Nightmarionne and Nightmare Bonnie, evaded the bullets before Charlie shot a couple Shadow Beams back at them. I managed to kick one of the endoskeletons back before I blocked another attack with my blade. I aimed the Disruptor at the one of the endoskeletons and shot immediately, as it collapsed onto the ground with electricity surrounding it. As if intentionally the endoskeletons in the middle that were holding position now moved to the side, as Ennard, Twisted Foxy, and Twisted Freddy walked past them. Guess Ennard wasn't enough to put pressure on me. "I calculate we're half way to the pizzeria!" called Duality's voice. "Half way. Not close enough," I said to myself. Ennard, Twisted Foxy, and Twisted Freddy ran towards now, which forced me to pay close attention again as I had to block another attack from the remaining endoskeletons with blades attacking me. I quickly tried swiping the endoskeleton with my blade, as it backed up, which allowed me to open my backside again and grab two more batteries. I had a lot of batteries that Henry had given me to use for the Disruptor, though I was still trying to conserve them as best as I could. However it was kinda hard to do so with how much trouble I've had to deal with, especially being at the front of all the action. I opened the bottom of the Disruptor again and took out the used batteries and threw them on the ground, before replacing them for the new ones. Twisted Foxy ran at me first with his mouth open to bite me, as I quickly attempted to jab the blade I had into his mouth. He dodged to the side as Twisted Freddy took his place and attempted to slash me with his long claws. I blocked his attack with a Shadow Shield and shot a couple Shadow Beams at him, which he dodged by moving his head. Ennard attempted to jump at me and most likely wrap his wires around me, which I then unblocked my shield and attempted to swipe him with my blade right when he was close to me. He managed to stop himself from getting into the range of my attack and grabbed one of the endoskeletons with their blade out and slashed its core before pushing at me. "Ah shit!" I exclaimed as I quickly grabbed the endoskeleton and focused the Resurrection Power into my arms before I threw over to the left side where Lefty was fighting the enemy. Thank god I did so in time since it exploded as soon as I threw on the other side and far enough from the car where it couldn't damaged it. All the endoskeletons near the one that exploded evaded to the side to escape the blast, as well as Nightmarionne, who was close to the endo-skeleton. The car rocked due to the blast, though it seemed untouched for the most part. That Ennard really was menace, and it made it worse as I had to be the one to deal with him once more. One of the remaining endoskeletons attempted to slash me with its blade, as blocked it with my own blade. Twisted Freddy attempted to strike me again as he tried to grab me, as I attempted to kick him back before he bit into my leg. "Dammit!" I exclaimed in pain as I shot a Shadow Beam at him, before he backed up to avoid the attack. Ennard attempted to strike me by punching me as I warded him off by my attempt of slashing him, which I knew he would avoid though it was more of a way to get him to back off. He backed up as I summoned a grenade with the Resurrection Power and threw it behind where Ennard, Twisted Freddy, and Twisted Foxy were, who all were forced to move away from the grenade by moving to the side. The remaining two endoskeletons weren't close enough to be hit by the grenade, so I didn't have to worry about that. All three of them moved to the side as the grenade went off, leaving them untouched though away from me now. Mangle, who was fighting an endoskeleton, grabbed it and its arm with its laser, proceeding to have it shoot its laser as the remaining two endoskeletons I had to deal with. I quickly grabbed the closest endoskeleton near me as I managed to grab it by its arm and stabbed the blade I had through its head, causing it to fall on the ground deactivated now. The remaining endoskeleton attempted to strike me, as Mangle caused the endo-skeleton she was still holding onto to shoot more lasers at the remaining endoskeleton fighting me. The endoskeleton stopped fighting me and avoided the lasers, while Twisted Foxy attempted to slash me with his claws. I ducked a couple times before I made my way over to the remaining endoskeleton, as it was also trying to slash me with its blade. Twisted Foxy went for my head once more by slashing me with his claws, as I ducked right where I was near the endoskeleton that was after me. Twisted Foxy's attack was aimed at the endoskeleton due to me ducking, which the endoskeleton seemed to realized at the last second. It was too late as the endo-skeleton managed to have it's face scraped, which allowed me to grab it and kick it to the ground. Mangle noticed what I was doing and managed to smack the endoskeleton she was fighting in the face with her baton as she kicked it onto the ground near the other one that I had kicked onto the ground as well. We both took our blades and managed to stab them through their heads, destroying them for good. Mangle threw the blade she had at Twisted Freddy, who was trying to tackle me. He dodged it as I turned and summoned my Shadow Shield right when he was coming up on me. He fell onto the ground and back as I managed to kick him in the face, though Ennard suddenly jumped onto me with his wires wrapped around me. Twisted Foxy ran at me now and got his claws out, ready to strike me now, as Mangle attempted to help me. Phantom Mangle appeared in front of her as and attempted to strike her, as I was on my own for the moment. I allowed myself to turn around right when Twisted Foxy was about to strike, causing Ennard to let go and leave due to him being more exposed to the incoming attack that would directly harm him. He lunged off of me as I quickly entered the Shadow Dimension and returned behind Twisted Foxy, which allowed me to grab his head and slam it into the hood of the car. He backed up a bit before Twisted Freddy ran at me now with his mouth open, as Mangle, who had the opening now, shot a couple Shadow Beams at him. He moved his head to the side to avoid all her shots, as I ran at him now and head butted him. He attempted to slash my head, as he managed to leave a scratch but only just that. He tumbled to the ground on his back, slowly getting back up. The drone Duality was commanding aimed at Twisted Freddy and Twisted Foxy, who both were on their feet now, as they backed up a little at the sight of it. The drone opened fired at them, causing the both of them dodge and run back to where the endoskeletons were holding position to avoid getting hit. Ennard seemed to back away to where the endoskeletons were, giving me some room to breathe. Not like I was able to or have any space to do so. Suddenly I turned to the sight of RXQ appearing on Mangle's and Foxy's side, as he attempted to strike with some daggers he made from the Resurrection Power, as Mangle blocked his attack with a Shadow Shield. Golden Freddy also appeared on Lefty's side now, as she got ready to defend against her. Both of them seemed to have finally made their move and had shown up, considering Duality detected them earlier. I quickly looked behind me where Freddy was in the back, who seemed to have taken out most of the endoskeletons that he had been fighting as well, though was engaged in battle with Nightmare and Nightmare Freddy. "I calculate he have a quarter of our way left. We're almost at the turn to where the pizzeria is. Bonnie, we are also approaching the endoskeletons guarding our path. Clear the way, would you?" said Duality. "Like that'll be easy," I responded. "Just focus the drone on the endoskeletons in front of us!" exclaimed Freddy's voice through the Communicator. "You won't have any reinforcements or help if you or the other sides have trouble. Mangle and Charlie?" stated Duality. "Bonnie will need the help! Do it!" exclaimed Mangle's voice through the Communicator. "I agree!" exclaimed Lefty's voice on the Communicator as well. "Very well," responded Duality as he aimed the drone back at the endoskeletons. All of the endoskeletons aimed their lasers at me now, with Ennard, Twisted Freddy, and Twisted Foxy at their side and waiting to see what would happen. It was time to clear a path. "I calculate about over close to half of the endoskeletons have been dealt with. Still, there is a considerable amount left that are functioning. Shouldn't be a problem for you, should it?" said Duality. "No, just more of an annoyance. Still, I got a job to do," I responded. I placed the blade inside my back side, which, thankfully, was able to barely fit, as I summoned a grenade. I threw at the group of endoskeletons, more specifically where Ennard, Twisted Freddy, and Twisted Foxy were. They all ran out of the way over where the grenade landed as it exploded, which allowed me to aim my Disruptor at one of the endoskeletons on the ground as I shot the closet one that was in my sights. I was able to deactivate it as Duality fired the drone at some of the endoskeletons on the ground, which he was able to hit as one of them was shot in the face and deactivated from the damage. I summoned another grenade and threw at another side of endoskeletons who had just started to shoot their lasers at me and the drone. They also had to jump to the ground and out of the way to avoid the grenade and it's impending blast, as I had summoned a Shadow Shield to block their attacks. I was suddenly hit in the left knee from one of the lasers, as I looked down to realize both my legs were exposed due to the shield not covering my whole body. I walked forward a little and crouched so the Shadow Shield would cover my whole body, before I had to summon a grenade with my shield at the same time. I had done it before, though using more than one ability at once was difficult and draining if used a lot, however drastic times caused for drastic measures, as Mangle would say. I was, thankfully, able to create a grenade, even if it took longer than normal, as I threw it at the side of endoskeletons that was putting pressure on me the most. They all got out of the way of the grenade as best as they could, as two of them were unlucky and got caught in the blast. The explosion increased to another as it managed to consume another endoskeleton, which managed to explode as well. Duality focused the drone on the endoskeletons that were back on their feet now, which they either had the option to get back on the ground or out of the way to avoid the bullets. Some of the endoskeletons continued to focus their attacks on me by firing lasers at me, which prompted me to still keep up my Shadow Shield. Suddenly, Helpy rolled down the window and shot a couple Shadow Beams at the endoskeletons in front of me as a way to assist me. "You got your reinforcements right here!" exclaimed Helpy from the window. He turned to the right of him, which caused me to do the same I could see Mangle had grabbed one of the endoskeletons near the back of the car where Freddy was fighting the enemy. She inserted the Decoder on the back of its head, as it was deactivated for a moment. "Duality! Give Bonnie his reinforcements!" she exclaimed who had to block an attack from RXQ. "Acknowledged," responded Duality, as the endoskeleton Mangle had inserted the Decoder into reactivated and turned towards me, before she took the Decoder out of it. It ran on over where I was and past me, firing its laser at the endoskeletons blocking the road ahead. This gave me a chance to get rid of my shield and fire a couple shots of the Disruptor at the endoskeletons, which were distracted by the reprogramed endoskeleton that was attacking them. Me, Helpy, Duality, and the reprogrammed endoskeleton fired everything we had at the blockade to break their hold and get through, ensuring victory at all costs. Explosions filled the area, with endoskeletons scattered across the road like a scrap yard, and many more that would be on their way. Their numbers seemed to be dwindling, as we were blowing their numbers down at a decent rate. I swapped out the batteries for the Disruptor and threw more grenades than I was making, being relentless and not stopping for anything. The endoskeleton that was reprogrammed ran at me with a couple endoskeletons, which managed to shoot their lasers and hit its core and was consumed by an explosion. We were right up to the endoskeletons and what ever remained, though the explosions and purple mist was obscuring my vision before it cleared. To my surprise the remaining endoskeletons all backed up and retreated back to where the pizzeria was, breaking their blockade and allowing us to go through. Ennard and the minions that were with him, however, were not in sight and had seemed to have retreated as well. "They're retreating!" I exclaimed aloud. "They're not the only one's," said Duality. I turned to my right to find RXQ had stopped fighting Mangle, before disappearing from sight. The minions that were with him stopped and turned around, before running back over to the alleyway nearby. The same seemed to apply with Charlie and Freddy, since Golden Freddy and Nightmare, as well as their minions, had left as well. "The blockade is clear and we are about to approach the turn into the pizzeria, though I still detect multiple signals of the enemy at the location," spoke Duality. "They made a tactical retreat, a way to regain their foot hold and hold down another position. You thought that was tough? Be prepared, what we'll face next will really feel like hell," said Mangle's voice on the Communicator. "Press onward. Whatever William throws at us we'll do the same back, but even harder," responded Freddy's voice on the Communicator. "Eh, could've been phrased better," spoke Helpy's voice on the Communicator. Finally I could clearly see the pizzeria, which stood ominously like a different entity or place as we approached the turn that lead into the parking lot. Being here really felt like I was staring at a labyrinth that we could not return from, a descent into the unknown where we had no idea of what would be waiting on the other side. Being here a third time made me feel like this time I wouldn't come back from here. I walked to the right and into the parking lot, as Michael turned the car and followed behind me while I looked around. It was way too quiet and there was no sight of the enemy anywhere, which was concerning as I expected to find the enemy repositioned right away or at least attack as soon as we came into sight of the pizzeria. Something wasn't right.

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