S4:C12; Trouble In Paradises

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"Ignorant," Giorgi questioned.

"You know what I mean. Like, rude. Y-you ignore everyone," I explained briefly. "What you're doing now is gonna make us more enemies than friends."

"Look, I understand what you're saying but I can't help worrying about you and wanting to prevent any kind of problems—"

"By making them?" I scoffed.

The large Greek man hushed down and seemed apologetic the way he stood in front of me, rubbing his upper forearm. "...I didn't realize I was being more mean than careful with other people, and I'm sorry for making you feel anxious."

I shook my head and gave my husband a dismissive wave, wanting to change the subject. I didn't mean to make him feel bad. "It's fine, really. You don't have to apologize.... In-Indian food, right," I mentioned. "Where should we go?"

Later That Night...

"Uh, babe?" Gill had mumbled, running his hand up my back as he sat beside me on his bed. I had been laying there on my stomach, thinking of Cameron for hours. In fact, I hadn't realized that I was being so still until he'd touched me and I saw how dark it was outside.


My lips tightened and snarled at the Southern accent calling me that. It disgusted me that it was another man that wasn't Cameron Omartian. "Yeah," I muttered.

"You know, I love being with you, and I think I'm real lucky to be with you," he started. "Um... Just- Are you okay? You've been here for about a week, and you barely eat unless I bring something to you... Are you alright?"

I rolled my eyes as I moved my hands to rub my face, and began to sit up. "I'm fine. I'm just thinking about my mom," I said impulsively, surprising myself.

"Oh... I'm sorry," he said softly. I moved to stand with a sigh. "You mentioned me staying here for a while. Is it a problem? You need me to leave?"

"No, I don't!...It's just, my roommate isn't super comfortable with you... Something about your past or how you're dangerous," Gill mentioned, seeming doubtful of his roommate's words.

"Who's your roommate?"

"She's just some girl off campus. I don't know her, really. She just moved in because of an ad on Facebook, she told me," the Southern man said simply.

"Where is she?"

Gill's eyebrows twitched and his head jerked back a little. "Why?"

"I want to talk to her. Introduce myself," I answered briefly.

"She already knows who you are, though. It's not a matter of her not wanting a stranger in the house. It's that she's uncomfortable with you for some reason," he explained. "Guess she knew you in high school or something. I don't know what past of yours she's talking about."

I glared at Gill for a moment. He looked so clueless and dumb. Was he really that goddamn stupid that he didn't know what his roommate was talking about? I was one of the most popular people in our graduating class—my arrest was all people were talking about for months, wasn't it?!

"You're such an idiot," I scoffed, making Gill frown. "How do you not know what she's talking about?"

"What? I don't know her, I don't talk to her."

"She's talking about me and Cameron—our past! Why I was arrested, Gill!"

"Y... What'd you do?"

"I had sex with him and Giorgi told police that I raped the kid! Said I abused him and shit and I got five years for it! Where did you think I went?!"

"I knew you were arrested but I didn't know you got five years for anything like that... I thought you went back home. That's what some people were saying... You raped him?"

"I didn't rape anyone! I had sex with him. He enjoyed it, Giorgi got jealous—"

"You abused him," Gill suddenly asked. "I thought you were arrested because of some drama with your ex... It was Cameron?"

"What drama with my ex? The fuck are you talking about?"

"I broke his wrist..." he mumbled, immediately setting something off in me. "I hated him for taking you from me, and I gave him hell for it, but you—"

I threw my fist into the southerner's throat, knocking him into his bed frame, and before he could catch his breath to say anything—to do anything—I grabbed a handful of his hair and punched him again in the mouth. Knowing that he'd touched Cameron, that he'd hurt him while I was away had aggravated me to an entirely new magnitude. The extent of my anger was so vast, it felt catastrophic within me. It was an overwhelming and consuming rage, and although I felt that it and my attacking Gill was justified, I worried that I wouldn't be able to stop beating him until it was too late, and I'd be locked up again. Away from my Cameron.

I dragged him to the floor and kicked him until my legs got tired, and then thrashed his head against his the hardwood. Luckily, I pulled myself away while he was still breathing, and I looked over the mess that he was; bleeding excessively from his nose and mouth, crying and spluttering all over himself. "What's wrong with you," he sobbed.

"What's wrong with you, you fucking psycho-idiot?! You broke my mom's—Cameron's fucking wrist because you thought he took me from you?! I was never yours!"

"You're crazy," Gill cried, holding himself.

"You're insane," I scoffed. "What kind of hallucinatory psycho are you to ever think that I belonged to you? And to believe such a wild delusion so much that you felt justified breaking his bones! You should be locked up!"

The southerner continued crying and whimpering in the floor, and although I wanted to beat him some more, I left. I couldn't stay too long and risk his roommate snitching on me.

I have to go... I have to find my sweet, little Cameron... He's in pain... I have to help her soon or she'll think I don't love her anymore... But I do.... I promise... I love you so much... I'd do anything for you.

I will do anything for you... Just to hear it back...

I love you.


I hope you enjoyedddd!!!

Bro wtf I took such a long ass break COMPLETELY by accident! I'm sorry!! Please forgive me😭


Did any of you guys ship Gill and Cooper? Lmk!!

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