Chapter 19- Holiday Gone wrong.

Start from the beginning

"Daniel?" is the only word that came out of my mouth when the moment i look at him and recognizes his face, Daniel is one of my neighbor back in this town and he's been having his eyes fixed on me for what it seems like forever, dad didn't like me to come any closer to him making us both keep a distance from each other for, i don't know what's the reason, it's just dad. little did i know that Daniel is one of us..

"yes, Daniel O'Brien it is. Miss me?" He came closer to me as he has his bare chest hit on the tip of my gun that im holding.

He grabbed my arm and twisted it around making me dropped my gun as he kicked it away, grabbing both my arm, he uses his force to grab me pulling me deep into the woods. I shouted for Hendrick but i know, it's impossible for him to hear me as I've been too far in the woods.

He kicked a small wooden door opened, pushing me down onto a chair as he tie on both my hands and legs.

"What do you want from me! Let me go!" i yelled, moving my hands and legs, trying to release myself from those tight rope that he used to tie me up.

He dressed himself up, wearing just his jeans that he took from the bed as he picked a yogurt and squat infront of me.

"let you go ? do you know how long have i been waiting just to get you ? and when the moment you left without even saying any goodbyes, do you know how hurtful it is for me ! what's the worst that can happen, the worst is when i found you and knowing that your mate is Hendrick, Hendrick Jacobs !" He laughed and take a spoonful of yogurt into his mouth.

"Hendrick Jacobs.. my biggest rivals and a murderer who killed my brother is your mate. boy oh boy.. what a small freaking world it is." my world just stops as i heard him calling Hendrick a murderer..

"my bad.. let me wipe those." he drop some of his yogurt onto my opened chest on purpose, he leans closer, pulling the neck of my shirt lower as he lick those yogurt up . i closes my eyes and clench my teeth feeling anger , rising in me.

"Get your hands off me you busted ! you should be dead just like how your brother is now!" i yelled ontop of my lungs as he laughed and untie me, pushing me onto his bed, he came ontop of me ,pinning my hand down and uses the other hand to unbuttoned my shirt . i tried moving my whole body trying to stop him from doing those shit towards me but his grip is way too strong.

He places wet kisses all over my neck assaulting me with his tongue as he go lower onto my boobs as he suck onto my skin. My tears falled as i felt humiliated.

"Daniel.." The house door were being opened as Daniel let my hands go and stood up towards the voice.

"Allayna!!" Kyla and Kristal were in Daniel's grip ,i was shock at how he got those two kids.

"Let them go! you can hurt me instead but just let them go Daniel !" i stood up, wanting to hit him but my face were being punched by that beast as he pushed me onto the bed ,along with those twins.

He tie us up and left with the rest of his pack into tbe woods. i don't know what will happen next, it's been hours of us being in there and my body felt weak as i really need some nutrition in me as i hadn't had anything.

"Sweetheart, can you bring my phone at the back of my pocket out ?" i asked as i remember about my phone that were being kept at the back of my pocket. I could see how panic they were and the main thing that pops in my mind is to give Hendrick a call to save two of his lil sister twins , im risking my life just for them if i have too.

Kristal uses her small hands and pushed my phone upwards, out of my pocket, i presses on Hendrick number and dialled it.

i could see my screen showing that the other end of the call has picked up, and i know it's Hendrick.

"Hendrick.. Hendrick listen up, i need your help now. come...." Before i could even finish my sentence , the door were being opened and daniel stomped his way in making those two kids scream. He picked my phone up and smashed it using his shoes, i went nearer to the kids not wanting this beast to hurt them.

Daniel punched my face and kicked my stomach making me curl into a ball as i yelled in agony.

"Seems like a need to change of plan." he smile and places a kiss on my forehead as he ran out with his pack.

Kyla and Kristal were screaming and crying ,i felt hurt to see those two kids encounter this horror situation with their own eyes , i sat back up as i seat closer to them.

"it's okay. Don't cry, I would protect you both from any danger, we will get out of here ok." i calm them down.

Those bedtime stories of dad telling me about wolf were replaying in my head as tears rolled down my eyes.
i will die fighting.

"Let's play a game, it's called 'untying us free.' Kristal, you have to open my ropes and i have to open yours and Kyla's. Are you guys up for it ?" my mind just pops out an idea as Kristal uses her hand that were tied on her back to open my rope.

Just by a spilt second, my rope were being open , feeling impressed by her fast work. i released both of their ropes after and hug them closer to me.

"Now let's play, 'SecretsXsecrets' ,the rule is, you have to tell me the secret of shifting and i will tell you girls ,my deepest secrets." i make up a game as they nod .

"Hendrick told me that you have to imagine yourself being a wolf." Kyla whispered ,i smile and kisses both of her cheek and tell her about my secret of loving his brother, Hendrick .

i sat on the floor as i asked them to be quiet as part of the game as i try my best to shift myself.. i finally decide to try my first shifting even if i know that it's gonna be painful.

i tried to shift and imagine myself, shifting into a wolf but my first and second tried fails. I tried my third try but sadly, i couldn't shift myself into one. i was about to lose hopes but those two girls were there asking me not to give up.

i sat down on the floor, silence were filled in that wooden house and i try my best to shift myself. That's when the moment i felt my bone break into pieces and the contraction of my bones felt like im in a labor ward where those mum wanted to gave birth. It ache so badly that i wanted to shout but i know i can't as there's one of the men ,taking care of the house . I felt tears dropping from my eyes and a few moment after , my body collapse onto the floor, everythings seems different..

"You're so beautiful.." Kyla and Kristal came towards me as the hold on to me. I realized that ive shifted myself and im on my fours now. Im having pure white furs and i don't know why but i felt proud of myself.

i sneak towards the door and leap onto one of the guy who's taking care of us, leaving with no choice but to tear him limb by limb. I got the girls on my back as i ran into the woods towards my house with the help of the brightness of the moon . I could smell unfamilliar scent and i knew they're coming for us, i could see the light of my house ,dropping both of the kids back down , running alone back home as i have to distract those wolf that's after me.

i trust and believe that those girls will make their ways back home.

i waited ,anticipation fills around me and i know im not gonna die without fighting.

6wolves were surrounding me as im in the circle, i could hear them growling as they circling me. That's when a wolf leap against me as he bite my back right leg, i bite him, growling and fighting my heart out. Another wolf came leaping against me as his claws penatrate thru my fur . i knew i had enough, i knew im gonna die, but those thoughts just simply vanished when a different wolf came leaping onto Daniel ,ripping his body apart.

i couldn't control my body as i lay onto the woods on my fours, smelling the scent of fresh rains just soothe my nerves as i felt Hendrick came nearer to me nudging its head onto mine on his fours , i felt proud of the girls as they manage to alert for help and soon after, everything went pitch black.

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