1 :Put some clothes on

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Sometimes akumas can be real inconvenient, can happen at the worst of times. And sometimes there's no helping. You got to do what you got to do. Especially for Marinette as Ladybug, who had to be out there no matter what.

Today, she was lucky enough to not have much inconvenience with akumas.

But for her partner, not so much.

In the rush of battle, she didn't quite notice the difference with him, not till they both fell an empty room, escaping the akuma's notice, both of them just about to de-transform.

The transformation dropped before either could move.

And there they were, in clear sight of each other.

Marinette with her wide eyes and blushing cheeks as she gaped.

Felix with his own blush and tense stare, his hair heavy with dampness from a recent shower, shirtless, and had only enough time to put on loose pants.

"SORRY!" Marinette squealed, quickly covering her eyes.

"It's fine," he uttered lowly, looking away, cheeks still flared red.

It could've been a lot worse.

Still, this was not how either of them expected the reveal to go.

Felix expected at the end of Hawkmoth, after they successfully stopped him. Marinette thought a reveal on the Notre Dame, with a

full moon above shining down on the two heroes and

it was just romantic and amazing and...

Not, not this.

Definitely not this.

Felix sighed, running a hand through his heavy hair, trying to get his cheeks to cool down. This was

He jumped when a black cloth was tossed at him.

"USE MY BLAZER!" she cried out, still blushing and turned away.

He stared down at the cloth, brow raised. "Marinette, this is not going to fit."

"I don't care put it on please!"


Because it was really too small.

But Marinette was sure he could make it work, spewing out flustered excuses.

Near the two humans, tired kwamis peered at them, Plagg snickering while Tikki frowned and sighed.

Well, it could've been worse, Tikki supposed.

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