“Allie are you okay? Are you getting another pain?” Harry asked still on the phone with the doctor. The pain was so intense I couldn’t speak so I just nodded me head.

“Where does it hurt?” he asked. I pointed to my stomach, pelvis, and lower back. He nodded his head and told my doctor.

“Okay! Thank you. Bye bye.” Harry said before hanging up the phone. Harry come over and sat next to me and rubbed my back.

“How often are you getting the pains?” He asked.

“Ee-very 30 minutes.” I stuttered.

“Okay that’s what I thought. So the doctor thinks you are in fact having contractions. She said it was normal to go into labor now. She said that we don’t have to go to the hospital until your contractions are 15 minutes apart or if your water breaks.” Harry said as if it was nothing. Once he said I was in labor my heart started racing and my breathing got a lot heavier. I then started to cry!

“Hey everything is going to be okay. Why are you so upset?” He asked confused.

“I-I’m so scared. What if I’m not a good mom?” I asked. I was now having a full on panic attack. Harry seemed completely shocked and didn’t know what to say at first.

“You need to calm down okay? You are going to a great mum and Darcy is going to be the luckiest little girl in the world.” Harry said rubbing my back still. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him as I my life depended on it. Harry was tense at first but quickly wrapped his arms around my back and held me tight. Harry was holding me tight and singing ‘They don’t know about us’ quietly in my ear. His singing voice slowly calmed me down and eventually fell asleep in his arms.

Harry’s POV

Once Allie fell asleep in my arms I gently laid her down and decided to get up. I needed to make a hospital bag for Allie, Darcy, and myself since I didn’t know how long we would be at the hospital.  Once I put together Allie’s and my bag I went to the nursery to put together Darcy’s little bag. I packed Darcy a few different outfits so there were some options.

I grabbed all the bags and then grabbed the car seat. I figured I would put everything in my Range Rover now, so Allie didn’t have to worry about it later.

I was surprised when it didn’t take me long put the car seat in my car. I was expecting it to take me forever, so I was happy when it didn’t. I walked back into the house and closed the front door behind me.

“HARRY!” I heard Allie yell from upstairs. I don’t think I’ve run up the stairs that quickly in my life before. I ran into our room and didn’t see her on the bed anymore. The bathroom door was closed so I knocked on the door.

“Allie babe? What is wrong? You have to let me in.” I said knocking on the door.

“I think my water just broke.” Allie said opening the door. The look on her face was pure panic.

“Where did it break?” I asked.

“I was about to take another shower, because I woke up sweating so I wanted to get the sweat off my body.” Allie said.

“So it broke in the shower. Well that was convenient we don’t have to clean it up.” I laughed.

“Only you would say that right now.” Allie said laughing a little.

“Couldn’t help myself. So lets get to the hospital so we can have our little girl.” I smiled.

“I’m the one technically having her Harry.” Allie laughed. I missed being able to make her laugh.

“I need to pack mine and Darcy’s bag first. You also need to put car seat in your car.” Allie rambled.

“Already done, so let’s go.” I smiled and helped her get dressed in sweat pants and a t-shirt.

“Thank you.” She smiled.


Allie’s POV

Harry and I got to the hospital about 4 hours ago. Harry made sure I had the best room at the hospital, and since he didn’t want anyone to bother me it was a private suite. It was pretty nice for a hospital room! I don’t think I have ever seen such a nice room.

About an hour ago I got an epidural, because the pain was horrible. Harry hasn’t left my side the entire time. Harry called the guys; his family, and even called my family. My family from the states was supposed to be here, but since i was 2 weeks early they were going to miss it. Luckily Madi and Tyler were here to represent my family. Since I’ve been in labor for a good 6 ½ hours I was hoping to god it was almost done. I was exhausted, but since I got the drugs I have been able to rest.

“How are you feeling?” Harry asked rubbing the hair out of my face. I leaned my head into his hands and closed my eyes.

“Tired and ready to get her out of me.” I said.

“She will be soon.” He said. Just as he said that the doctor came in to examine me.

“How are you feeling?” she asked.

“Tired and weak.” I answered honestly as she examined me.

“Well you need to find some strength in that tiny body of yours, because it’s time to push.” She smiled up at Harry and me. Harry looked at me and smiled, and I found myself staring in his eyes and smiling back at him.


OMG Allie was in early labor……

Harry was so sweet and kept Allie calm.

Allie seems to finally looking at Harry the way she used to. Is she finally not mad at him anymore?



Ah who is excited?

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I will post the next chapter tomorrow (:

Lot’s of love,



It All Started With A Tattoo Book 2 (2'nd book of Harry Styles FanFic Series)Where stories live. Discover now