Chapter 43: Our Cross Roads of Fate

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That irritating, nauseating voice... It belonged to only one person, his aver turned to the indistinct figures, "What the hell do you want." His voice was cold and stern, despite perceiving everything as a pixelated figure the sight of the bastards from the leaf was aggravating.

A squat grunt decamped from her, "What were you about to do to her-

"I said what do you want." The rage laced in his voice sent shivers down Sakuras spine. He looked and sounded like Sasuke, but... This wasn't him his chakra was frigid, his eyes hollow and distant...

Sasukes sinistrous presence smothered Sakura, "I want..." She was getting skeptical, the pressure of his gaze caused discomfort, "I... want... you to come back..." her gaze was strong, fixated on his fading onyx eyes... "Come back, you're not yourself... This isn't you!"

Sasuke looked emotionless, his eyes bleeding ever so lightly, he placed his had to cover them, 'This isn't me... I... am not myself...' The words hurtled through his conscience... He split his fingers revealing his sharingan, a slight chuckle escaped him... "I don't care." His chuckle turned into a sinister, sadistic laugh, Kakashi and Sakura looked disturbed, "I'm not coming back, because I, Sasuke Uchiha am going to destroy the hidden leaf." He pulled out a kunai, and in a heartbeat, it was midair straight for Sakuras gullet.

Naruto had arrived at the bridge, the sight was petrifying at the least... But the sight in front of her struck her speechless; A kunai centimeters away from stabbing Sakuras throat... Her tired body had long reached its limit, but seeing Sakura so vulnerable...

Naruto carried Sakura like a newly wed bride, saving her from the kunai and in return slicing Naruto's cheek, Sakuras mouth was agape, he showed no hesitation... No emotion... Her heart ached knowing Sasuke didn't hesitate... she clenched tightly onto Naruto's jumper. She felt her teammate trembling, Naruto then gently put Sakura down, she could see her body trembling... Naruto's heart beat wildly against her chest, a surge of emotions took over her body and mind. She was angry because he tried to kill Sakura, excited to see him but yet daunted.

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a slight scowl on her face, "Sasuke..." Her voice was strong... despite these emotions it was not going to weaver, she decided, "... I see you've changed quite a big since our last meeting..." He looked at her emotionlessly... He was taller and he had outgrown his hair. The bangs were almost covering his eyes.

"Sasuke..." She clenched her jumper, "Let's go home God dammit." Sakura looked at Naruto, why was she determined... Why did she go out of her way just for a mere espy of Sasuke... why? 'Maybe Naruto... No...'

"I am not going back to that accursed village." Sasuke was set on doing what he had said. And nothing would change his mind. Nothing.

"Sasuke, I know you're confused... Just let us help, were your friends and everything will be-

"I don't have any friends... The strong walk on their lonesome, and weak, depended on each other depicting weakness." His words didn't seem to hurt Naruto. She just looked more determined.

"Sasuke, I know you don't mean that. So, as your friend, I won't give up on you. Being away from the leaf as turned you to a liar... I won't stop until you are back in the leaf."

"Hn... if so, then be my guest, but if I so much as catch an espy of you next time, I will severe your limbs one by one." His voice was strong and meant everything.

Naruto looked deep into his fading eyes, "I promise you, I won't let you go down this path... Believe it..."

Sasuke stared at her for a few seconds before he decided to take his leave, Madara had watched what was occurring, "Ready to leave?"

"Where do you think you're going!" A flash of silver sent Sasuke flying away, Kakashi had kicked Sasuke's side, "Naruto, and Sakura kindly asked you to come back to the leaf, and you declined," he charged at Sasuke. A collision of feasts from both parties had begun, Kakashi knew not to take Sasuke lightly, his eyes had a different motif and his chakra was as frigid, "But as your sensei, I will see to it that you come back."

"Shut up, Hatake." Sasuke evaded his attacks, his movements were as fluid as a snake and as quick as lighting, but he couldn't keep this up... Right now Kakashi was practically silver blob...

Kakashi struck Sasukes chin and kicked him off the bridge, Sasuke pivoted his body landing in his feet, he used his chakra to stand on the water, Kakashi jump down to the river and charged at him, the fight was some what vicious, Kakashi still saw Sasuke as his pupil... He couldn't bring himself to actually fighting him all out. Swiftly he pulled out a kunai Sasuke had left his face open, the attack was swiftly  pierced the air, but the lack of blood lust stopped it centimeters from Sasukes face.

Sasuke hadn't flinched, Kakashi looked perplexed, what if he actually wanted to kill Sasuke...? He looked deep into his... His eyes had become a sickly grey hue. Was it why his movements were so uncoordinated?

"It's over Sasuke... You can't see... Let's go back to the-

Water splashed everywhere as Madara landed, his sharingan spun wildly at the sight of Kakashi, "Sorry, but he's coming with me." I'm flash he and Sasuke were in the portal, Kakashi gave hastily chase but it was in vain as the portal shut instantly after their entry. Kakashi had a feral scowl on his face. He slipped right through his hands...

He gingerly placed his kunai back in its pouch and covered his Sharingan with his headband. He walked up the pillar over to where Naruto, Sakura and Sai.

"I guess we won't be seeing Sasuke after some time." Sakura spoke dejectedly. The level of hostility wasn't the same as he spoke to Naruto...

"Yeah, that bastard sure knows how to... to make us worr- Naruto abruptly lost balance, her body felt weak... Sai acted quickly and caught her, she had been knocked out cold... she was fatigued and stressed and was bleeding from the cut she received form Sasuke, but despite all those factors, she was smiling. She looked happy.

Kakashi had picked up Karin's body, she would give crucial information about Sasukes and his comrades, good thing she was alive. Her heart had been missed by mere centimeters, but she still needed medical treatment.

"I think we should go back to the leaf now." Sai gingerly put Naruto on his back, she clenched tightly on his clothes her body was warm and soft, Sai could feel her heart beating against his back, seeing Sasuke made her feel so happy... The only times she's truly happy is when she around him... He figured that out when he saw her expression at Orochimarus lair. They started walking off, Karin was on Kakashi's back, her eyes looked distant, she was probably dreaming, right?

To be continued

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