Chapter 53: Binding chains 2

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Kushina's POV

"I'm Kushina Uzumaki, ya know! Nice to meet you!" I said in front of the class filled with pubescent teens.

"Why is your hair red you freak!" One of the boys asked, I didn't bother looking at him and went to sit at the back of the class. Everyone's eyes were one me.

I honestly did not care. But a pair of cerulean blue eyes are what made feel uneasy, "What you looking at, you wanna tease me too? Go ahead!"

"N-no, I wouldn't tease you over something like that. I actually like your hair!" That was the first time I met him. Minato Namikaze. Class pretty boy.

He caught me off guard with what he said. He was the fist one to welcome me in the leaf.

As time went on things got much rougher for me, the other kids had given me a nickname, the red hot habanero!

Believe or not it wasn't because of my hair I got that nickname, it's because I was as crazy as they came! I wasn't going to sit around and let a bunch of sissy's bully me! Nope, no way, I was kick ass!

A day before our graduation ceremony I beat up a kid for saying some bullshit you shouldn't t go around saying to a lady. He, in turn called his big brother. Big brother was not an understatement, he was probably 6'3!

Despite that, that fight was relatively easy, I mopped the floor with his big brother! I mopped the floor with both of them.

It was pretty late. I went home immediately after the show. Just immediately after I entered the door, bang! My head was slammed... and even though it was a blur, I could see the huge douche I beat up earlier today.

My body felt weak and I couldn't do anything. So in hopes of being saved I plucked out a strand of my hair hoping someone would come save me...

Sadly it looked like no one was coming. All hope had become bleak... I could hear the voices coherently, they wanted the nine tails to destroy the leaf... "Somebody... help me..." I forced myself to speak.

And it was that moment when I saw a yellow flash before pass my eyes. Turning my head I saw him. Minato Namikaze. The class pretty boy.

He took down ninja classes above him in mere seconds! I was impressed honestly. He walked towards me, and lifted me up like a princess.

He leaped from tree to tree like he wasn't carrying a thing! I knew I was heavy but he made it look so easy. I looked deep into his eyes and he looked at me. He was so handsome, pretty to an extent!

I felt strangely safe and latched tightly onto him, never wanting to let go. We were back to my place in a matter of minutes and I didn't want to come off him.

"Kushina, you're home. You can-

"Please stay with me. I want you to stay with me tonight." I latched on tighter. I looked at him to see the most enchanting smile I had ever seen, "It's not like I have anyone waiting for me home so why not?"

He entered the house and I prepared dinner for the both of us. Despite his looks he ate like an animal!
I was awe struck, he looked so cute!

"I-I'm sorry, I don't usually have home cooked food. I eat instant noodles everyday so I can't help myself!" He smiled sheepishly at me.

"It's okay, have your fill." I don't why I'm talking like this... I was never this kind... I feel strange, my stomach's tingly.


"And that's how me and your father met and fell in love!" Kushina was blushing, a big smile on her face.

"Wow! I wish I could find somebody like that..."

"I mean, you will some day. I know you will." Her mother jumped on her.

"Yea, I hope so. But before I can find love I need to save a friend that's taking a very dangerous path though..."

"Oh... I see. But the right person will always just present themselves so don't worry... oh look at that. My time is almost over."

"What? So soon?" Naruto looked upset. She was just getting to know her.

"Naruto there's something you have to do right now; you have to beat that Fox, remember?"

The look didn't shake, she would rather stay here with her mother than fight the Fox but it had to be done.

"Naruto take my chakra, it will subdue the Fox for you to seal it again."

"But mom, I don't-

"Remember Naruto, I'll always be there for you, you will never be alone."

Tears ran down Naruto's cheeks and before she knew her mother had disappeared and she was floating on the water below the Fox.

"Enough!" Chains protruded from her back constraining the Fox tails, "Giant rasengan!" She struck its abdomen dropping it on its back.

She leaped in the air, planning on ending this but the Fox was not compliant, slashing at her violently Naruto maneuvered around the attacks

Mid air spun and turned dodging, "Alright!" Concentrating her chakra in her hand she landed roughly on the Foxs abdomen and she hastily drew the seal on it and sealed it away yet again.

She was panting, her body strained with all the movements she had done, the deep growls of the Fox sent shivers down her spine, "Fist your father and now you too!" It lunged at the new gate Naruto had created, "let me out!" It slashed the gate vigorously...

"You did it Naruto!" Yamato exclaimed. Naruto was covered in a blazing hot aura. Her body was literally made of it! She was covered in a flame like chakra from head to toe, heck, her body was literally chakra!

She was astonished, she felt strong, looking at her body she understood why the Akatsuki wanted the Fox. He was strong...

"Yes, but you training ain't over yo! You eat learn how to do the tailed beast bomb-weeee!"

"But thats for tomorrow let's go get you rested." Yamato had enough for today.
Killer Bee went to the chakra opened door and opened it for his companions.

"It's time." Kisame whispered in Samehada. He merged with Samaehada the day he was allegedly killed. The Raikage and his brother did not kill him. They killed Zetsu. The bastards didn't realize!

"What's wrong little buddy?" The sword had been squelching on his back until it vomited something beyond grotesque.

"Ha ha ha ha ahhh!" Kisame transformed to a shark a flew past the trio.

"Oh no you don't!" Like lighting Naruto was in front of Kisame, her body had attained inhuman abilities, which she had to learn to control, upon landing her foot dug to deep in the ground prohibiting her further movement and Kisame escaped.

He was agile, nevertheless Yamato gave a relentless chase. Killer-Bee lifeless stared at Samehada on the ground, "You should have said something little buddy." Samehada whimpered on the ground.

''Now's not the time to show affection! he's getting away!" Naruto had freed her foot and was hot his tail. He had split into six other sharks, catching him now was nearly impossible! They were nearing the edge of Genbu and there was no sign of them catching up.

All hope had left them, he was going to escape.

To be continued

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