Chapter 3: Orochimaru

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A sinister laugh was heard through out the halls sending chills down Sasuke's spine. He knew that disgusting guffaw all too well, but he just couldn't get used to it, the halls became silent only the quiet sound of the candle flames was heard.

"Lord Orochimaru, you have to do the living corpse reincarnation jutsu." Kabuto said with concern on his face.

"Now now Kabuto, let us not be too hasty, you know what they say, haste makes waste." An evil chuckle escaped the serpents mouth. "And even if I did the jutsu, I wouldn't be able to obtain the full power of the Uchiha." He said coughing out blood.

The room went quiet, the only thing heard was the snakes pants.

"So you think Sasuke has the Mangekyou sharingan?" Kabuto asked in complete awe.

''Am just estimating, Kabuto. But Sasuke is a very special child, he has a very high chance of having it." A cough escaped the Serpents mouth along with a handful of blood.

"Lord Orochimaru!" Kabuto exclaimed, moving forward to tend to his master. The instant he got there, his master attacked him, Kabuto not really expecting it flew back from the barrage of snake bites he received.

"Lord Orochimaru..." Kabuto called out to his master who was fighting for dear life.

"Kabuto... Get out." Orochimaru told his apprentice.

"But... But lor- Ahhhh!" Kabuto was interruptedby another barrage of snake bites.

"Get out, Get out, Get out!" Orochimaru screamed. Kabuto finally getting the message picked up his fallen equipment and medication and exited the room. The moment he got out, he heard his master's sinister laugh...

"Such a strong will.... Laughing even when your on the verge of death..."

Kabuto stopped in his tracks, an evil grin emerged on his lips... "That is why, I will always be your disciple, Lord Orochimaru."


In a dark, Isolated room. An odd but yet familiar figure sat morosely. Contemplating.

'So that bastard thinks his going to take over my body?' Sasuke asked himself in utter amusement. Sasuke was eavesdropping on Kabuto and Orochimaru's conversation by hightening senses.

'That snake thinks I'll just hand over my body? I need to kill him.'

'But first, I need to find the right moment to attack. Even if his in this state, his still a threat.'

Sasuke stood up, His sharingan spinning aggressively. Full of anger full of hatred.

"I will, kill Itachi." Sasuke spat out his brother's name like it was venom. "Even if I have to kill all akatsuki members to get to him."

Those were his last words before he stood up, and prepared for the on coming slaughter of the snake.


A sigh escaped Naruto's mouth, her body hurt from the fight her and Sakura had against their sensei, Kakashi. She was headed home, she needed a good night's sleep.

When she got to her apartment on the highest floor, the first thing she saw was the moon, the beautiful bright moon. For a reason she knew all too well, but wouldn't admit.

She loved gazing at the moon, it made her feel at peace, warm and most of all, safe.

"That teme, put a spell on me." Naruto said starting to tear up.

Naruto leaped to the top of her apartment roof for a better view, she landed with finesse and sat down quietly. The tears she was holding in fell, tears began to run down her angelic face, the tears burnt.

"Sasuke." Naruto said I'm between sobs. "Where are you? Are you, okay?
What are you thinking about? Do you ever think of me?" Naruto was desperate, she wanted Sasuke, she needed Sasuke, She needed him more than anything. Sasuke was like... a drug that Naruto could not do without.

"Sasuke, I am coming for you... Believe it!"

She stood up wiping away the tears, putting on a smile smile, and jumped off the roof. Unlocking the door she went straight for her bed. Without realising it she fell asleep.

Hello, I just wanted to thank all of you that voted and commented, I was so happy when I had my first comment saying "plz update soon I am loving the book so far >3." and I want to thank all of you who voted on my book. When I had my first vote I was so excited I jumped up and down like a 5 year old on Christmas. Okay thank you very much, byeeeee!

The Sun And The Moon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora