Chapter 1

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I just wanted to give a quick shout out to Kitty_LexM for making this awesome me a new story cover!

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“Hadley,” Cassidy ran after her assistant coach as she made her way out of the rink.

Hadley stopped walking to turn around. “Oh hey Cass, what’s up?”

“You left your phone back in the locker room.” She handed over the cell phone. Cassidy shifted her weight awkwardly from one side to the other. “Are you okay? I mean, how have you been since – you know.”

Hadley put her arm around Cassidy’s shoulders and pulled her into a side hug. “It’s almost been a year.” She said quietly, still not believing it. “Everything’s slowly getting better.”

“Hadley, I need to ask you something.” Cassidy stopped to look at her coach. “I understand if you don’t want to.”

That caught Hadley’s attention. “Shoot.”

“I was talking to my mom last night and she agreed that, only if you wanted to, you should spend the holidays with us?”

Hadley knew that Cassidy and her mom had good intentions, but she wasn’t ready to spend the holidays with anyone but her family. “Cass,” she sighed. “You know I’d love to, but I hate imposing on people. You of all people should know that.” Hadley laughed lightly. “Tell your mom thank you for the offer, but I’m going to spend Thanksgiving at my house.”

The two girls walked out into the cool autumn air. Jackie pulled up to the rink just in time. “Are you sure?” Cassidy asked once more.

Hadley nodded. “I’m positive. Now hurry up, your mom’s waiting.” She smiled at Cassidy and watched as she made her way over to the car. She made sure Cassidy got to the car safely before making her way towards her car.

“Hadley!” Jackie yelled, catching her just before she crossed the parking lot.

“Hi Jackie,” Hadley walked over to the driver’s window so she wouldn’t have to yell. “How are you?”

“I’m well,” Jackie’s smile faltered slightly. “How are you?” She asked turning the question around on her.

Hadley let out a long sigh. “I’ve been better.”

Jackie reached her hand over the open window and placed it on Hadley’s arm. “You know I’m not going to take ‘no’ for an answer right?”

She laughed and nodded. “You’re too nice of a person to let anyone spend the holidays alone.”

“With that being said,” Jackie handed Hadley a piece of paper. “I expect to see you with everything you need on Wednesday at our house.”

Hadley smiled, taking the paper from Jackie’s hand. “You didn’t have to do this, but thank you for doing it anyway.”

“You know you’re like a second sister to Cassidy. And if you’re her sister, than you’re like my third daughter.”

“That means a lot.” Hadley played around with her keys, feeling the cold begin to get to her a bit.

Cassidy was already buckled in and sitting in the passenger seat when Jackie looked over. “I’ll see you Wednesday.”

Hadley nodded and backed away from her car. “Thank you again.”

She watched as the tail lights drove out of sight before walking over to her car. Driving home was probably the part of the day that Hadley hated the most. Driving home to an empty house filled with pictures of her once happy, living family was enough to make her breakdown. As she entered the cold house, she flipped on the hallway light and tossed her keys down on the kitchen table. She was neck deep in bills that she wasn’t sure how she was going to pay off every one of them. And just like that, everything hit her. Hadley was in way over her head and she needed some saving – fast.

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