Megaman X

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Last chapter, yay!!!!

I actually discovered this game last week, when I was on Youtube watching these guys play a game called Megaman Legends. That's what got me to look it up, and then I saw Megaman X. I got hooked!

So, from what I know in the past week, it's about taking place in the time 21XX, and there are these humanoid robots who think an feel like humans. But, there are these robots who go Maverick, meaning they go crazy. It's up to the Maverick Hunters to stop them. There are two main Maverick Hunters named X and Zero.

There are 8 Megaman X games (yeah, 8) that basicly have to do with taking down the Maverick leader, Sigma, who seems to always come back to life after X and Zero kill him. I think it's a pretty cool game, even though I never played them (Well yeah cuz I've only known about this for a week and I don't have a SNES or Gamecube, etc.)

I already have a favorite character, and that's Zero. You can see him on my profile background. He's a super awesome guy, and I actually can draw him, but I'll need a pic for reference.

In the game Megaman X 4, there's this character named Iris. She's such a sweet, innocent looking Reploid, who has a British accent. And what does Capcom do to her? They KILL HER! What happens is Zero fights her twin brother, Colonel, who ends up getting killed by Zero. She gets so overwhelmed, she takes her brother's core and tries to combine it with hers to become a strange looking creature.

Zero is forced to fight her, even though he doesn't want to. In the end, he ends up killing her because she can't function properly due to her damages, and having Colonel's power in her. This leaves an upset Zero, and an upset me. :(

What do I do? Make an oc that looks like her. For my profile pic, it shows my OC, Neon in her two forms. Some of Iris's DNA and Colonel's DNA was used to create her, so she can become the ultimate weapon (kinda like Shadow the Hedgehog :P). However, she can only be in two forms. Her normal, innocent form and her fighter, brave form.

So yeah, I have finished this book! My Fictional Life will keep growing with all different kinds of Animes and videogames and cartoons. It doesn't end here. Also, I am soon to publish my story called My Fictional World. It's a working title, or I might just keep it at there.

I hope you enjoyed this book, had a few laughs, and I'll see you in my next book!

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