Sailor Moon

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Woot woot! I now have a new username, and now I get to write about Sailor Moon. I think this show is the 2nd most popular anime in the world (the first being DBZ).

    So, I'm going to (yet again) summarize Sailor Moon, although I haven't seen the anime.

           Sailor Moon is about this 14 year old girl named Usagi Tsukino ( English dub name is Serena), a carefree schoolgirl, who can transform into the leader of the series, Sailor Moon. One day, she bumps into a cat who can talk. The cat's name is Luna. She gives Usagi a special brooch that enables her to transform into SM.

         Then, she must find the other scouts (the Inner Senshi and the Outer Senshi) who are all named after the planets in the Solar System (including Pluto and excluding Earth). Together they must fight off all evil and protect the Earth,

         There is much more to that, but that's all I know off the top of my head (only had to use Google for Usagi's last name)

     I have basicly only read the manga books. What's cool about them is that they're formatted just like a Japanese book. So, instead of reading left to right and start from the beginning, you read right to left and start from the end. At first I was very confused, but I managed to figure it out, and now I'm on Book 6 (out of 12).

            I NEED MORE SAILOR MOON BOOKS! There aren't any book stores near me. There used to be some, but they closed. (sadface)

      I have some SM merchandise, for example, I have a Sailor Moon t-shirt and two bracelets :)

That's all I got, so yeah. I'm thinking about writing a story where I go into my fictional world and meet all my fav. characters. Also, my world might be in danger, and it's up to me and my All Star Favorites to save my ficitonal world.

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