Powerpuff Girls

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  The first thing I ever really liked that I still like now are the Powerpuff Girls (I don't own them). They are truely awesome and I loved them ever since I was a little girl. Sometimes I see it on TV and I'm like "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!" and I immediately start watching it.

 I don't really remember much, but I think I used to have a Bubbles plush (she's the one in blue if you didn't know) If you have no idea who the Powerpuff girls are, you have no childhood (jk). But seriously, they were pretty popular. A lot of my friends remember them very well, and one friend loves Bubbles (like I do).

  Recently, my mom found some old pictures and one of them was me, my brother, and my dad upside down on a couch, and I was wearing Powerpuff Girls pajamas!!! How cool is that!?

 Wow, I don't really have much to say...wait! I took a personality test to see which PPG I was, it was Bubbles (shocker). I can relate myself to Bubbles a lot.

  I seem to really like Bubbles a lot, but don't get me wrong. I love the other two Blossom and Buttercup also. I had a CD with the theme songs and other songs from PPG. I actually loved Buttercup's theme song. It was all epic with guitars and lots of head banging moments (teehee). Buttercup was the green one and Blossom was the pink one if you didn't know that (hopefully you did).  Yeah, I had some good times back then. Living the PPG life.

 Be sure to keep reading to see what I discovered next and lots of more details about them. Hopefully I can keep this up and continue to write!!!

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