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Woot woot! Another chapter about another fighting game I like.

   This game mainly focuses around a family that hates each other. (charming, isn't it?) They are all from the same bloodline, and this feud will never stop. Most of the Tekken games are about entering the King of Iron Fist Tournament (Iron fist in Japanese is Tekken *winks*)

 Anyways, yeah, it's a fighting game. There's a great variety of characters with different fighting styles.

  Man, I thought I had a lot to say about this game, I'm bad at summarizing. If you want to learn more, just Google it.

    Actually, I have a couple things to say about my Top 3 Tekken Characters!

  To make it suspensful, (don't know if that's a word) I'm going to talk about my 3rd fav. first. His name is Lars Alexandersson. He's actually part of the Mishima family (the one that hates each other). At first I was like "WHAT? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" because on the Wiki, it says his father is Heihachi Mishima (very important character) and Kazuya (Heihachi's son) is Lar's half brother. What makes it really strange is that Kazuya is in his 50s, while Lars is in his 20s         0_o

   Anyways, Lars wants to defeat the Mishima Zaibatsu and is the leader of Tekken Force. Personality wise, he's pretty heroic, but is mostly a serious guy. He wears som pretty cool armor, whic is very difficult to draw! Trust me, I tried to draw it. His hair is AWESOME! It almost looks like Goku's hair, but it's sandy brown and the spikes curve up to the left. He's actually Sweedish, which is kinda weird because he can speak Japanese.

   Now, my 2nd favorite character! Her name is Alisa Bosconovitch. She is an android who, has a very kind-hearted personality. She acts more like a human than a robot. Also, she is very intelligent, and uses a lot of technical terms. What's strange about her fighting skills is that she has chainsaws in her arms. She has the ability to fly with wing-like jets.

   What's cool about her appearance is that she's got pink hair! Her dress is cool too. I don't really know how to describe her outfit, but as always, Google it. She's fron Russia, which is strange because she can also speak Japanese, but not her native language.

   And last, but not least, my #1 favorite character! (This one's for you IsabellaManzo!) Hwoarang! Yeah buddy! Origionally, Alisa was my 1st fav, but she got replaced! Hwoarang is a Taekwondo student of  Baek Doo San. He became Jin Kazama's rival (Jin is Kazuya's son) after fighting is a street match.

   Personality wise, he's often portrayed as an arrogant and a brash person. Even though he can be cocky at times, he shows a drive for fighting strong opponents (like Jin). Hwoarang is known for his "ginger" hair (note: he's South Korean) and he usually wears a biker themed outfit with goggles, or his blue of white Taekwondo dobok.

    Well, I think I explained enough about my favs. Only two more chapters to go!

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