Legend of Korra

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 For those of you who read a previous chapter (ATLA), you'll know that I had mentioned this before. Now, I finally get to talk about this show!

   This show is about the next Avatar, who is a waterbender named Korra. Note that this is taking place many years after the events in ATLA. Korra has already mastered waterbending, earthbending, and firebending. But, she needs to learn airbending, so she heads to Republic City, founded by the previous Avatar, Aang.

   Things are a little different now, and Korra isn't use to city life. She finds her airbending master, Tenzin, who is Aang's son (Tenzin is middle-aged, just letting you know). While trying to master airbending, she meets two guys named Mako and Bolin, firebender and earthbender. Together, they form an epic team, and they must stop the Equalists because they want everyone to be equal (good for nonbenders, bad for benders).

  Season 1 ended around the end of last year, and I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT SEASON! It's suppose to be coming soon, so I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for it to be awesome.

         My favorite character...hmm...it's a tie between Korra and Mako. Ha! The funny thing is that they make a good couple, and in the show, they both have feelings for each other. (FEELINGS!!!!!)

 ( I like spacing a lot, to make it look long). RANDOM THOUGHT: right now, I saw someone I know totally spazzing out because she had a deja vu moment. 0_o awkword.

      Anyways, my friend told me something funny that has to do with LOK. So, there was a scene where Korra was falling off a platform, and you know when on Nick where they have a banner at the bottom of the screen, well, Spongebob was coming on next and during Korra's fall, Spongebob was laughing! IT LOOKED LIKE HE WAS LAUGHING AT KORRA!!!!!!!!!

 Well, that's all I got. Next chapter coming up soon. If this story gets to a certain point where it gets too long in chapters, I might make separate books.

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