Street Fighter

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Okie dokie, lets get started. Right now, I'm currently working on TWO books (1. this 2.A story having to do with me traveling to My Fictional World) Pretty cool huh?

  Anyways, the summary for Street Fighter games is you fight, you win, nuff said.

Yeah, short summary!

 How did I get into this? Well, it all started when I saw the movie Wreck it Ralph. ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES EVER! Totally loved it. Three characters from Street Fighter made cameo appearances in that movie (if you saw this movie, you know what I mean)

 Two actually talked! They were the famous Ryu and Ken! What happened was, the arcade was closing, so Ryu and Ken stopped fighting, and they were all like, "Finally." and stuff like that. I was all like OMG!

  Then, there were some pics of famous characters on a wall in a certain arcade game. The character Chun-li was one of them. If you don't know who Ryu, Ken, of Chun-li is, Google it. (Ryu is on the cover of this book, he's wearing the white fighting uniform.)

  Those three are actually my top three favorites. I haven't played any actual Street Fighter games (unless you include SFxTK mobile) so when I do, they'll be my first picks.

  I actually have a little bit of merchandise from SF. At a bookstore I go to sometimes, they have these SF figures where you don't know which on you'll get. The first time I got one, it was a terrible choice I made. It was this sumo wrestlet named E. Honda (ha, like the car company). Now, he stays in his Box of Shame.

  The second time I got one wasn't too bad. I got Blanka, who's this guy that's completely green and has orange hair.  What stinks is that these figures are $10.00! $10.00 for a stinkin' figure! That makes me want to rant!

  But I won't do that.

  For the game Street Fighter X Tekken (Tekken will be the next chapter), they had these toys called Minimates that come with one SF character and one Tekken character. I got one that has Chun-li and Hwoarang (he will be mentioned a lot in the next chapter). The figures are so cute! I LAV THEM!

  Fighting wise, these SF characters are pretty cool. Ryu does this move called the Hadoken, which looks a lot like a Kamehameha (DBZ reference). I wonder if one company decided to steal another's idea (did Capcom steal that idea?) The world may never know.

 One thing I absolutely need to say about Chun-li is that...SHE'S GOT CHIEF THUNDER THIGHS! Er mah gurd, her thighs. That's proably because she uses a lot of kicking in her fighting moves, which is completely understandable.

  That's it for now, almost done with this book. YAY!

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