Power Puff Girls Z

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 Yes, there's a difference between PPG and PPGZ. Let me explain a little about this show.

This show was origionally created in Japan. They basicly wanted to make an anime version of PPG. There are some things they changed from the origional version.

The girls still have thier respective hairstyles (except for Buttercup), but they are much older now! They're like, 12 or 13 years old! Their signature uniforms changed to a sleeveless dress with black rims at the top and bottom, a short vest, fingerless gloves, and cool shoes. Just go Google it to see what I mean.

Enough about the girls changes, lets talk about the changes in the show.

The girls wern't exactly created by Professor Utonium, they are just normal girls going by the names Momoko, Miyako, and Karou. (English dub keeps their names Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup) What happened was the Professor's son, Ken, created chemical Z rays, which got loose and spreaded throughout New Townsville.

There are two different types of Z rays. White and Black, or good and bad. The white rays were about to hit 3 little children, when Momoko, Miyako, and Karou jumped in their way so they wouldn't get hit. Thus, the 3 girls turned into Hyper Blossom, Rolling Bubbles, and Powered Buttercup, the Power Puff Girls Z.

The black rays hit most of the PPGZ's new enemies, for example, Mojo and Him. The PPGZ don't always stay in their super form, so they were given transformation belts to wear. Also, they were each given a weapon specificly for them. Blossom gets a yo-yo (don't ask me why it's a yo-yo), Bubbles gets, well, a bubble wand, and Buttercup, gets a hammer.

Wow, I really had a lot to say about PPGZ. Probably because I discovered this recently.

So, if I had to choose which PPGZ is my favorite, it would be difficult to choose. Personality wise, I like Bubbles. Appearance wise, I like Blossom. Fighting wise, I like Buttercup.

I am actually writing a story that will soon be put on to Wattpad, which has to do with me actually traveling to My Fictional World. I couldn't decide which PPGZ to put in there, so I chosed Buttercup, omly because I already had PPG Bubbles there. But, Blossom from PPGZ makes a cameo appearace in this story.

Only 1 more chapeter to go! You'll be expecting it very soon!

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